Compare And Contrast The First Two Political Parties

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The first two political parties were the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalist. They were opposites. Federalist wanted a national bank, allies with Britain, and wealthy people in government. On the other hand, The Democratic-Republicans wanted state banks, allies with France, and common people in government.The Federalist wanted a strong central or federal government while the Democratic-Republicans wanted strong state governments. The Federalist were lead by Alexander Hamilton and the Democratic-Republicans were lead by Thomas Jefferson. The colonies broke from Britain and George Washington was elected president. He hired Alexander Hamilton to be in charge of treasury department. He made a plan. Thomas Jefferson disagreed with some of his plan. They then made political parties to argue the issues. …show more content…
“A strong central government was necessary if the states were going to bond together to form a nation.” Also, it would show better representation to the other countries. When the states were not formed into a nation it was bad. Each state had its own money so you had to exchange money everywhere. It was a mess so they needed a national government. On the other hand, the Democratic-Republicans opposed the idea of a national government. “Some feared that a strong central government because they thought it would abuse its power.” They thought it could abuse its power and limit people’s rights. Jefferson feared that it would start riots and end the nation. They were promised that they would add a bill of rights to the Constitution. This made the nation feel much better about the national government. When the Whiskey Rebellion happened some people thought the government thought they acted too fast and was too

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