Compare And Contrast Texas And Us Constitution

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To begin a constitution is the fundamental laws of a state which sets out how that state will be organized and the powers and authorities of government between different political units and citizens. The United States Constitution only had two constitution throughout history, the Articles of Confederation and the current one that we still use today. It was created to overcome the Articles of Confederation weaknesses, to offer centralization, and to have more power in the government. It was written in 1787 and was ratified by 9 out of 13 states on May 4,1789. Where in the Texas Constitution there was seven total constitutions, the Constitution of the Coahuila y Tejas, the Republic of Texas Constitution, the Confederate Constitution, the Post-Civil …show more content…
With just these four different departs, you can see that the United States and the Texas Constitution have a lot more differences than some of us actually even thought. The differences between the two can keep going on and on for the fact that they were made for two completely different reasons. It just goes to show that the states can set higher level standards than the national government in certain places. These two constitutions both have their own form of way to get the things they want across to the many people they decide they want to get them across to. Even though one way may be different from the other everything still goes the way it needs to go and how it's supposed to go, of course with a little bump in the road sometimes. As times goes I'm sure that the differences between them will continue to grow as well, because the Texas Constitution can still be amended a lot easier than the United States Constitution. Maybe not right now, but maybe in the future someone will come along and decide that there's something that they want to change and they won't give up on it until it's done and

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