Compare And Contrast Rappaccini's Daughter Beatrice And The Coquette

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The Two That were Left Alone Rappaccini’s Daughter, Beatrice, and The Coquette’s, Eliza, share some similarities with one another. They both died alone and regret what they had done. When looking into what is important about their lives, it is crucial to realize at how they fit into that time’s society. Were they rejected or accepted by the people around them? How did society look at them for who they were? When reading about these two women, it is often thought about how others based their opinions about them. Rappaccini’s Daughter is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne which takes place during the medieval times in Padua, Italy. Rappaccini’s daughter, Beatrice, is made prisoner in her own home. Her father has made a poisonous garden and …show more content…
The word, coquette, means “a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and admiration of men” (William-Webster Dictionary). Eliza Wharton was just that. She had a choice between two very different men; Major Sanford and Rev. Boyer. Major Sanford was a very charming man, but only wanted to be with Eliza for her money. However, Rev. Boyer was ideal for Eliza to marry, but was just too boring for her. The two men had been competing over Eliza for some time. Foster presents Eliza’s internal conflict, “He then undertook to exculpate himself from blame, assuring me that as soon as I should discountenance the expectations of Mr. Boyer, and discontinue the reception of his address, his intentions should be made known. He was enlarging upon this topic, when we heard a footstep approaching us; and looking up and saw Mr. Boyer within a few paces of the arbor.--- Confusion seized us both! We rose involuntary from our seats, but were mute as statues! He spoke not a word, but casting a look of indignant accusation at me, a glance which penetrated my very soul, turned on his heel, and walked away hastily back to the house.” (869). In this scene, Major Sanford wanted to talk to Eliza about how she should discontinue the seeing of Mr. Boyer and really start pursuing him. This is the start of the downfall that Eliza suffers from, she goes on to say, “I stood a few moments, considering what course to take, though shame and regret had almost taken from me, the power of thought. Major Sanford had taken my hand. I withdrew it from him. I must leave you, said I. Where will you go? Said he. I will go and try to retrieve my character. It has suffered greatly by this fatal interview.” (Foster 869). Eliza obviously felt remorse from meeting with The Major, when she knew that Mr. Boyer wanted to meet with Eliza. Eliza had turned down The Major’s offer to discontinue to meet

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