Sandra Cisneros grew up in Chicago in a family of nine. Out seven siblings, she was the only girl. Cisneros explains that her brothers thought it was "beneath them"(Cisneros 366) to play with a girl, this example reflects some of the inequalities that girls had to face. Because of her brothers ' refusal to play with her, Cisneros …show more content…
This quote tells us that she has had experience with writing, she follows this sentence by listing all the works that she has done, letting us know that she is an accomplished writer. After returning home for Christmas, Sandra attempts to impress her dad by giving him one of her stories that had been translated into Spanish. This particular story was written about her father’s hometown and is another example of Sandra 's desire to gain approval from her father. The story was also translated into Spanish and published in a magazine this is an example of the success that Sandra was able to reach in the Hispanic community. Sandra finally showed him the story, and he showed interest by muting the movie he was watching. Her father 's reaction showed that he was enjoying her writing "He laughed at all the right places and read lines he like out loud."(Cisneros 369). Her father finally showed his appreciation for his daughter when he wanted to make more copies of the writing to pass out to relatives. Sandra describes this moment as one of the most wonderful things that happened to her by saying “Of all the wonderful things that happened to me last year, that was the most wonderful.”( Cisneros 369). This moment signifies the time where Sandra was finally able to make her father see her a professional independent woman and not a housewife.
.While Sandra 's childhood may have been discouraging to some people her solitude and independence helped her in the long run. Cisneros’ desire to be more than “only a daughter”(Cisneros 366) led her to be a successful writer. By the end of her essay, Sandra explains how she was finally able to overcome the house-wife stereotype by making her dad proud of her career and not her ability to be a