As long as women continue to allow men to woo them , they are surrendering their independence and freedom. She acknowledges that the male yet again serves as an impediment to women by limiting her to a life of repetitious lies, broken promises and inferiority. They face a constant struggle between companionship and self autonomy. She refuses to allow herself to be subjected into such a strenuous and devastating position . Another possible future for Esperanza is exemplified here, but her brassy descriptions only prove that this isn 't her preferred …show more content…
Esperanza is inclined towards a life of marriage and self definition, but through the women she encounters she realizes it may be unattainable. Ruthie for example, owns a “pretty house outside the city” (69) and is married. It is mentioned however, that “there were many thing’s Ruthie could have been if she wanted to” (68), but she gave up her future for wedding vow. Her childlike characteristics are a by product of her failed marriage and a representation of a nonexisting happiness and naiveness Esperanza wishes to have. She essentially serves as an example of hindered potential for success. Ruthie had the contingency to be more than a woman on Mango Street but ends up being a depiction of a fictitious illusion for a better