The two religion that I choose to investigate are the Hinduism and Islam because Hinduism and Islam are the third and second most popular religion around the world. They have my differences including their idol worship, monotheism and their history.
Compare and contrast both religions
Islam and Hinduism are the second and third most popular religions around the world now a days, they have so many differences in many aspects including their idol worship, their history and monotheism.
Hinduism: Life after death - is a cycle of reincarnation until enlightenment is reached.
Islam: Life after death - Muslim and everyone else including all beings will be answerable to Allah on the Day of Judgement. Hinduism: Place of worship - they have their own Temple call Mandir. Islam: Place of worship - Mosque/masjid, any other place that is considered clean by Islamic standards. Hinduism: Practices - meditation, yoga, contemplation, yagna communal worship, offerings in the temple. Islam: Practices - Five pillars Testament that there is on God and Muhammad is his messenger (shahadah); they pray five times a day; fast during Ramadan; charity to the poor (zakat); pilgrimage (Hajj). Hinduism: Use of statues and pictures – Most common. Islam: Use of statues and pictures – Muslims are not and will not be allowed to depict the image of God or any prophets. Hinduism: Belief of God – They have many gods, but they realize that they all come from Atman. Clergy – No official clergy, Gurus, Yogis, Rishis, Brahmins, Pundits, priests, priestesses, monks, and nuns. About – devotion to the various gods and goddesses of Hinduism religion. Islam: Belief of God – they believe in one God. Clergy – Imam leads congregational prayer in a mosque. Sheikh, Maulana, Mullah and Mufti. About – Islam consist of individuals who believed in Allah, a deity whose teachings its followers believe were recorded, verbatim, by the god’s last prophet, Muhammad. Hinduism: Means of salvation – they reach enlightenment by a Path of devotion, or the Path of Good Deeds. Islam: Means of salvation – they believe in one God, they remembrance of God, they fear God and hope in God’s mercy, repentance God. The word Hindu has a geographical significance and it was used originally for the people who lived beyond the river Sindhu or the region watered by the river Indus. Hindus themselves call their own religion “Sanatana Dharma,” and means “Eternal Law.” The Islam word is an Arabic word for “Submission or surrender in Ultimate Peace”. Muslim which means a believer in One God which is Al-Illah or Allah. Their original language for the Hinduism was “Sanskrit”, and for the Islam was the “Arabic”. Describe the history. When and how it was first founded? Islam - The arise of the Islam is connected with the Prophet Muhammad, which it’s believed to be the last in a long line of prophet’s which Moses is included and Jesus. Muhammad was the chosen recipient and only messenger of the world of God through many revelations, Muslims strive …show more content…
Our religion beliefs are not all as a supreme being, every religion has profess has contribute to values and norms in our society. We lived in a society where we are having hostility against others that religion has been connected to a biggest problem ever in our society. We the humans are weak, at the end we the humans believed in one God and that created and controls the entire universe and based on the knowledge we should have one religion one idea practice by the population of this