Schooling or education exposed through experience and exposure. Whether or not it is freedom or oppression is highly debatable and depends on several factors. If you were not African-American, Native American, poor, and a male, then schooling was a source of freedom. If you were Anglo-American and wealthy, then you were entitled to the best that education offered. If you receive the best education, then that resulted in money, power and privilege. Freedom was being your own boss and ruling over indigenous people.
The Common School movement was a widespread reform to create public education within schools. Common schools were used as an institution to provide an education to students based on the Protestant Anglo-American culture, to promote the political system, and to force students into patriotism. Offering public education, schools would reduce social conflicts, improve children’s value system and form state funding agencies. The Common School movement would also be opposed. The common school movement did not endorse freedom for free-thinkers. Students were taught Protestant principles. I believe that if there is an agenda and …show more content…
There were many treaties passed between the Native Americans and Anglo-Americans in order for them to become civilized and patriotic. Public schooling was not a source of freedom for Native Americans. If Native Americans wanted to swing from trees and not be forced into public schools, then they had every right by regulating this; this was oppression. Public schools did not allow African-Americans to become educated; this was oppression. Students were subjected to a social stratification based on their race, sex and religion, formal and informal educational experiences. Students lacked education compared to their counterparts because of the color their skin, their social class and their