Native and African American Communities
Sarah Kneifl
University of South Dakota
Abstract: This paper discusses the minority groups of the Native Americans and the African Americans. It explores the history of both groups, how they are similar and what makes them different. Based on the research, they both suffered at the hands of the whites. Even though both described it differently, the Native and African Americans wanted “citizenship.”
Diversity and Culture of
African and Native American Communities
There is a lot more to the Native American Culture than just teepees, moccasins, peace pipes and sage burning. Native Americans have lived on our continent for thousands of years. It is believed, that when our continent was discovered, that there were over …show more content…
African Americans were finally given rights. They were able to purchase land, vote, and have their own churches and schools. The Native Americans and African Americans share a lot of commonalities. Education was thought to be a solution to a problem for both. The type of education differed though. Reformers tried to “civilize” the Native Americans by making them cut their long hair and dress in dresses and suits. They were forced to forget about their own culture and “Americanize.” For the African Americans, they were separated from the whites and placed in their own schools and neighborhoods. They were given an education that was “fit for them.” The Native and African Americans were never asked what they wanted during any of this. Both the Native and African Americans wanted citizenship, but for different purposes. The African Americans wanted to be equal to the whites, they wanted to be accepted. The Native Americans wanted to be their own citizens and be independent. They wanted to be able to keep their own traditions and