“What developed was mercantilism - the colonies in the new world served as a consumer of the products provided by the mother country and the new colony provided the raw materials back to the mother country.” (Cavnar, 2011) In a search of gold through Florida leading across the Mississippi River by the first white man, Hernando De Soto. Also, Francisco Coronado traveled through Mexico into what is now New Mexico exploring for more wealth and valuables. Coronado helped open up the Southwest of the New World to the Spaniards.
Throughout the Spanish Empire in the new world, there were three phases. The first phase was the age of discovery (exploration). This first stage started with Columbus, however, was followed on by several explorers. The second phase was the age of conquest. During this phase, the Spanish military showed their power aided by the introduction of disease. The final phase of the Spanish Empire was the introduction of Spanish laws, the Ordinances of Discovery. This phase led to the Spanish presence throughout America through