Thomas G. Andrews book, Killing for Coal: America's Deadliest Labor War, merges labor and environmental history in an breakdown of the half century leading up to the most fierce and violent labor unrest of the post civil war era, which is the Colorado coal-miner strike of 1913-1914, the Ludlow battle/massacre and Ten Day Coalfield War. Thomas Andrews argues in his book that these incidents cannot be seen in isolation or as separate events, but as the climax of half a century of struggle within the lower class and immigrants of the nation. Andrews argues this through a specific treatment of the environment, particularly in the standard of the working conditions that the miners are subjected to and the relationship that the working people and their surrounding environment share. Andrews argues that the working condition of the Colorado mining fields has a crucial role in causing solidarity among miners and further straining tensions between owners and their workforce.…
Children were used as cheap labor in several industries. In the coal industry, “Two breaker boys aged 15 fell or were carried by the coal down into the car below. One was badly burned and the other was smothered to death” (Doc B). The working conditions in the mines were unsafe for all workers and especially dangerous for inexperienced and weaker children. For example, “... the air at times is dense with coal-dust, which penetrates so far into the passages of the lungs that for long periods after the the boy leaves the breaker he continues to cough up the black coal dust.…
Coming from an African background, I was never fully aware of the full history of America and in particular the history of Maryland and its surrounding states. However, this play has definitely provided a remedy for this awareness. It is clear from the songs of Sarah Gunning that capitalism not only played a significant role in negatively impacting the lives of many in this region, but also had single handedly tore apart many miner families. Gunning’s songs shield light on the fact that if it were not for those in position of power in regards to mining business, deaths of husbands, brothers and fathers during to accidents and diseases, such as black lung or tuberculosis, would have never occurred at the rate they had been. The play also pointed to the significance of labor unions throughout the United States, in order to protect and advocate the rights and well being of workers everywhere.…
Ostler’s more inclusive form of politics can be applied to late 19th century industrial relations and gender relations. Thomas G. Andrews illustrates in his book Killing for Coal how the plight of the coal workers was strangely similar to the Sioux’s situation in many ways. The U.S.’s need for coal to support its economic boom was similar to the U.S. government’s need for Sioux land in order to expand, and colliers residency in company towns that had significant control over miners’ lives is reminiscent of the Sioux’s’ lives on reservations. The solidarity that miners gained through their suffering and their representation of it through strikes and protests follow a similar pattern to the banding together of different Sioux tribes and the use…
As seen in Document 3, the price of grain fell because of the scarcity of silver and this resulted in lower wages for the laboring class. With lower wages on the labor class, less land is put into cultivation and this became a cycle with the lower classes very unhappy. This was also seen in Document 6 as it goes into details of the working conditions. In silver mines, many Indian workers were forced to work with hammers all day and hike miles to produce silver coins. This document also discusses the secret silver that was often taken without paying tax or registration fees.…
The film, Blood on the Mountain goes into the detail and hardships of the employees of various coal mines throughout West Virginia. It is made incredibly clear in this film that the coal miners lead a fairly unhealthy and abnormally short life, due to the line of work that they are in. There are multiple reasons as to why these workers are so unhealthy; however, the central reason is their job, and more so the environment of their job and the salary they earn. This concept was also noted by Friedrich Engels, all the way back in 1845. I will argue that it is still relevant in today's date that it is simply not possible for the workers to be healthy and live a fulfilling life due to the toxic environment in which they work, the pressure of maintaining…
The year is 1940 and I just got a job at the Runnells coal company. I have to be at the mine at 5AM and I go in at 6AM and I do not get done until 3PM. I have to buy my pick ax, shovel, hammer, a lamp, and all my other tools from the company.…
During this essay, Orwell went into detail on the conditions of the coal mines and what being a coal miner is like. In doing so he uses ethos, pathos, and logos effortlessly to compel us to finish all the way through and gain an understanding of coal mining. In the same way, we are oblivious to coal miners work, we are also blind to the other types of manual labor jobs that are out there that keep us alive. In other words, manual laborers are underpaid and underappreciated.…
In the midst of a war how people interact with others from different cultures or within their own, may be their making or breaking point. In the book Storming Heaven by Denise Giardina and in the movie Matewan, it is clear to see how the miners have conflict with the company, the scabs, and with themselves, and how the miners come together within their own group and with the scabs. Each of these interactions impact the fight for the miner’s basic human rights against the company men either for bad or for good. The first three-quarters of the book is filled with conflict as people try to figure out what is going on, how to deal with their problems, and who their friends are.…
Underground, dark, warm, and damp is the work environment of a coal miner. Coal mining has been around since the 1300’s. Since then, technology has changed and is still booming in today’s society. It was approximately around the late 1800’s that coal became a significant resource in generating electricity. The differences in coal mining today and back then were tremendously different.…
There are two major mining companies in Colorado. The Henderson Mine in Empire, Colorado and the Cresson Mine is located in Victor, Colorado. The Henderson Mine produced the mineral molybdenum. The Cripple Creek & Victor Mine produces the mineral gold. Cripple Creek & Victor mine is Colorado’s largest gold mine.…
The workers had ramshackle living conditions. Lots of tents and shacks in the mining camps are where people had settled. During the this time, there were absolutely no women present in the area and so it was hard to live up to a normal lifestyle. The camps could be violent places to be, which had caused many problems. Also, some men that came from the east coast and left their jobs weren 't as successful as they thought they would get.…
Domestic servants, seamstresses, mud machinists, mariners, whether black or white, were often disciplined for lacking in the menial labor, but to berate them a lacking industry was of a different approach. Rockman explains the hidden and often ignored struggles of the laborer standpoint, “The process of finding a job, keeping a job, and transforming wages into subsistence was work in and of itself” (Rockman, pg 193), which exemplifies his main objective in revealing how thousands of laborers worked to build a name for themselves but ultimately scraped…
Statement of Problem The Ely Copper Mine was declared a superfund site in 2001. Mining activity occurred from 1821 to 1920 Ore body discovered in 1813 Location The Ely Copper Mine is located in East Central Vermont in the rural town of Vershire, Orange County. The site is part of a region referred to as the Vermont Copper Belt, or the Orange Country copper district. Over 30 miles long, the belt runs in a NNE–SSW direction. The Ely Mine is one of three major mine sites in the region.…
Zaozhuang coal mine development has a long history, created in 1880 ZhongXing is the beginning of Zaozhuang Coal Mining Bureau. ZhongXing departmental operations for 16 years, a slim 12, out of about 2 million tons of coal. In 1895, the ban was closed. The spring of 1899, Yan Yi Cao Jibing taotai Zhang Lianfen and Zhang Shi read Bachelor Yiding cabinet meeting, ZhongXing joint rectification Bureau, Guan Yi County Bureau of commercial office complex, named Shandong Huade Yi County Zhongxing mining Limited by Share Ltd, 1908 canceled "Huade", renamed the business office of Shandong Yi County Zhongxing mining Limited by Share Ltd. Started in 1909 the first big (south, construction machinery factory and OI) vehicle repair factory, in the spring…