$600,000 to the meat packing industry
$300,000 to Child labor
$100,000 to Women's Right to vote.
The first and the most critical cause I would give $600,000 dollars to would be reforms to the meat packing industry. This industry had few regulations. For example, “The meat would be shoveled into carts, and …show more content…
Children were used as cheap labor in several industries. In the coal industry, “Two breaker boys aged 15 fell or were carried by the coal down into the car below. One was badly burned and the other was smothered to death” (Doc B). The working conditions in the mines were unsafe for all workers and especially dangerous for inexperienced and weaker children. For example, “... the air at times is dense with coal-dust, which penetrates so far into the passages of the lungs that for long periods after the the boy leaves the breaker he continues to cough up the black coal dust. Also, Fingers are calloused and cut by the coal and slate and the noise and monotony are deadening” (Doc B). No children should have to put their lives in danger and be forced to work at a coal mine or in other dangerous work