Since the beginning of time man has been on a quest to find out his true purpose. Man is in need of a Savior, a Savior that can save him from the pollution of sin and death. Many worldviews have promised to do just that, however, all the attempts of such leaders, has ended in death. Christianity stands alone, echoing in the hearts of man, as the one true religion. God has a plan to save mankind, and restore our broken relationship with him, and that plan is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God
A vast empty, dark planet soon begins to take shape and form at …show more content…
God had to come up with a plan to restore man in a right relationship with him. That plan is being unfolded in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God became man, in the person of Jesus. He was fully God, yet fully man in order to understand and deal with our sinful nature. Jesus was beaten beyond recognition, and then nailed to a tree like a common criminal. Jesus was then laid in a tomb, and by the power of God himself, was raised from the dead on the third day. God’s justice demands punishment for sin, and that punishment is death. God chose to die, in order to save mankind. By faith in his son Jesus, we now have forgiveness of our sins. The life of Jesus and his work, is extremely important to the Christian worldview, because Jesus is the foundation of its faith, it is a message of love and hope for all who …show more content…
This world is filled with distractions, and opportunities for sin on every street corner, but it is about free will, choosing to serve God out of love for him, not as an obligation, even though we owe him everything. Serving God is a joy, it is a pleasure. Every single day of my life I fall short of the glory of God, but because of Christ I am forgiven. The Christian walk takes commitment, dedication, and a willingness to be obedient, yes, even unto death. The bible tells us to enter in through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and there are many that travel it, but the road that leads to life, only a few find it. (Matthew, 7:13) Jesus said: “I place life and death before you, choose life,” (Deuteronomy, 30:19) The Christian life can be very difficult at times, but it is the most rewarding thing a man can ever do. As we grow closer to God, so does our strength, determination, and commitment to