Causes Of The War Of 1812

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Conflict among the United States and Great Britain continued after the American Revolution. On June 18, 1812, the United States Congress declared war on Great Britain as a result of their interference on American expansion and European trade. This dispute would later become known as the War of 1812, or the Second War of American Independence. Earlier on, the Americans fought offensively and had attempted to invade Canada multiple times. Although most of these early attempts failed, a more effective army gradually arose. The British expressed blatant disrespect for American economic development and interfered in many of their efforts to expand trade, “To fill out their crews, British warships periodically stopped American merchant …show more content…
But in spite of its advantages, they had an inadequate amount of weapons to pursue a major war. In addition, The War Department was unorganized and understaffed, senior officers were too old and unskilled, most of the men enlisted in the army lacked experience and morale, and the systems for maintaining a troop’s well-being were insufficient. The first invasion of Canada called for a series of ambushes in three distinct areas; Montreal, the Niagara frontier, and the Detroit frontier. Under the command of General Isaac Brock, the British-Canadian forces were capable of protecting their land and were able to push the Americans back. None of the first attacks initiated on Canada were successful, “The principal reason for the failure was poor leadership. The administration’s strategy was ill-advised, the War Department failed to give proper direction to commanders in the field, and most of the nation’s senior army officers were incompetent.” One of the more notable accomplishments of these attempts is the fall of Isaac Hull. While the battles on land were a disaster, the U.S navy provided a tremendous boost to American morale. The British navy on the other hand, was stunned. While battling over seas with France, the British only lost a total of five battles midst, out of the 200 they took part in. The first victory by U.S naval commander Isaac Hull against …show more content…
Meanwhile, in preparation for the attempt to retake the Great Lakes, Oliver H. Perry frantically worked on the construction of four unfinished vessels. On September 10, 1813, Perry engaged in a battle with Commodore Robert H. Barclay at Lake Erie with a slight advantage ; nine vessels to six. During the battle, the British caused enough damage to Perry’s flagship, the USS Lawrence, to the extent where he had to relocate himself midway onto the USS Niagara. Nevertheless, “Perry was able to attack the center of the British line and do such extensive damage to its two largest vessels that Barclay had to surrender.” After being deprived of control over Lake Erie, Procter was unable to secure supplies by water and decided to withdraw to the interior along the Thames River. While Procter retreated at a leisurely pace, completely disregarding the bridges behind him, William H. Harrison raised additional troops and soon followed after him. On October 5th, 1813, Harrison charged into Procter’s forces while mounted on cavalry. “The right wing easily burst through the British line and then dismounted and caught the British in a cross fire, forcing them to surrender.” Although the Indians continued their resistance longer, Tecumseh’s death caused them to

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