Germany was trying to dominate every country in order to become the “best”, this led to an outbreak of war with anyone who tried to stop that. For that reason, the US was building up specifically their navy and airforce. In Document A, it states, “An now crumbling” (Japanese Ministry of Education Source A) . The order that is being talked about is the powers in Europe, they were considered the most “powerfulest” countries because they had control over many territories around the world. He describes it as crumbling because they were already in war, and they knew that since Germany wanted to dominate every country, the countries would end up fighting back, that would eventually all fall to pieces. This is important because it shows that Pearl Harbor could not have been prevented because the war was already happening, and because of that, the US was also making their military stronger. Because the US was building up their military it would give signals to others that they were preparing to enter the war. This would also lead them into the crumbling powers. It then starts talking about that since the powers are crumbling, Japan would end up not being in the “have-nots” but becoming one of the powerful countries as well, since they were planning to dominate territories. The attack could not have been prevented because America was already building up …show more content…
Throughout the years, Japan knew that they were in the lower categories of strength and power. Knowing that Europe was mainly the area where the most powerfulest countries were located, they wanted to create a new order that would change that. This was called the “New Order.” Looking at the map in Document B, you can notice by looking at the key that Japan was trying to dominate every country around them. Around 1937-1940 when WW11 was happening, Japan were conquering areas in China (Map Source B). You can notice that as the years went on Japan was expanding more and more, they tried to conquer areas where they knew oil was available. You can also see that after the Pearl Harbor bombing, Japan was able to gain even more power in countries that they took over. This connects to the reason as to why the Pearl Harbor attack could not have been prevented because Japan had a single mindset and that was to gain as much control over other nations in order to become more powerfulest. Given that Hawaii was closer to Japan than the actual US and they were building their military, Japan knew that they could launch a surprise attack to clearly show that they were serious about imperialism and their plan to become the best nation there is. Connecting to this source is the timeline. Looking at the timeline you can notice that in 1932, Japan