When Allie died Holden’s whole world was changed and part of why Holden is afraid of change is revealed to the reader when he says, “ I wasn’t there. I was still in the hospital. I had to go to the hospital and all after I hurt my hand” (171). Holden wasn’t at Allie’s funeral and never got to say goodbye. His relationship with Allie is permanently stuck and unchanging because Allie is no longer living. He is afraid to accept this change in his life and realize that Allie is not going to come back to him. This is evidenced when he said, “All the visitors could get in their cars and then go some place nice for dinner- everyone except Allie. I couldn’t stand it” (172). He wonders how everyone else can move on with their lives and be satisfied with leaving flowers on Allie’s grave on Sundays. Everyone else has moved on except for Holden who who is to afraid to change and let go of his past relationship with …show more content…
He likes Jane because of her childlike innocence. He even describes he playing chess like, “she wouldn’t made any of her kings… She’d just leave it in the back row. She’d get them all lined up in the back row. Then she’d never use them. She just liked the way they looked when they were all in the back row” (36). This shows the reader that he is drawn to Jane’s innocence and her disregard for expectations. When Holden learns that Stradlater is going on a date with her he confesses, “ I kept thinking about Jane, and about Stradlater having a date with her and all. It made me so nervous I nearly went crazy. I already told you what a sexy bastard Stradlater was” (39). He knows how Stradlater treats women and Holden doesn’t want him take away Jane’s innocence and hurt her in any way. Holden doesn’t go down to talk with Jane while Stradlater is getting ready. This show the reader that Holden is afraid that she may have change and might not he how he remembers her. Multiple times throughout the novel Holden tries to reach out to Jane wether through phone call or in person, but he never does talk with her. This shows his fear of change and that Jane might not be the same girl he was such good friends with years