Ora Lee Beckworth is the narrator of this story that takes place over 25 years of her life. Her husband died and they didn't have children. She was lost in the webs of her lie. All Ora's life went upside down and new people became the closest to her. She always wanted to do things right but she cannot do it without using a web of lies.
Eldred "The Pecan Man" Mims was a homeless black man. He suffered needlessly because he was innocent, yet was charged and convicted of the murder of Skipper. …show more content…
Ora’s maid. This woman suffered a lot and her destiny was not good to her. Her little daughter was raped and her son died in a car accident. Marcus Lowery was the eldest son of Blanche. He loved his family the most and wanted to keep them safe and happy. Marcus killed the boy who raped his little sister and was killed in a car accident the next day. Grace Lowery was the youngest daughter of Blanche. She was raped in childhood and was addicted to drugs and had 2 children by the age of 17. Patrice Lowery was the oldest daughter of Blanche. She used to care for her sisters and helped her mother and Mrs Beckworth. She became a lawyer and was the most responsible of Blanche's kids. DeNita Lowery and ReNita Lowery were the twin daughters of