Ethics Of Dumping Essay

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In an ethical manner, it is not morally right to endanger another person 's life in order to make a profit, as it creates more harms than benefits. Companies are dumping dangerous and hazardous products on overseas markets and it should be in the company’s best interest to consider the health and safety of the people and animals. Therefore, the companies acted immorally by dumping harmful products. 

In essence, dumping refers to the procedure of exporting products that have been banned dangerous in the US, to other countries, mainly third world countries. The harms clearly outweigh the benefits, as these manufactures are knowingly dumping dangerous products available to third world countries. The first dumping that the case study Made in the
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Dumping products in third world countries is a moral problem. The companies which manufactured these products are searching profitable venues only; they are not considering the consequences to the people that might be affected. The only benefactors are the companies who make profit, not the people in the poor countries who will be affected nor the environment and animals. If a product is regarded as unsafe to sell in the United States, then it should never be allowed to be dumped into other counties. First because, it is still considered unsafe no matter which country it is in. Second, third world countries are not any less human than first world countries. Third, the harms of continuing to use, sell or produce those products are both harmful for the people and the environment. Another issue that arises from the dumping of products is that people in first world countries, especially those driven by greed, don’t seem to value the life of poor people. There is a lack of respect for a person who is poor and has the disadvantage of living in a third world country. Even though there is still danger and damage in third world countries, companies shouldn 't try to make it worse by dumping, they should instead be helping and making the world a safer and toxic free

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