California Civil Code permits a landlord to lease a residential property to a tenant using California Month to Month Rental Agreement. This type of month to month tenancy or tenancy at will is suitable for renters without a fixed requirement of rented accommodation. However, please ensure that a lead based paint disclosure and Megan's Law Disclosure is attached to the original contract form. In addition, here are some important considerations
The landlord enters into individual rental agreement with each tenant.
Thirty-day notice is necessary for termination of the lease contract. California Month to Month Rental Agreement prohibits less than seven-day notice for termination of the contract.
It is necessary to prepare a move in checklist to evaluate the property condition and avoid misunderstandings during move out. …show more content…
This month to month rent agreement renews on the first day of each month and terminates on the last day of the month. However, a landlord must serve a sixty-day termination notice to the tenant that stays in the property for over one year in compliance with California Civil Code.
How To Prepare California Month to Month Rental Agreement
This four-page document seeks information from the landlord and the tenant. Therefore, please download and prepare the instrument together. Notary acknowledgement for signatures is not necessary. Provide following information.
Execution / commencement date
Name of the landlord
Name of the