Read on for a list of 10 tips for being car smart when shopping. Have Confidence If you walk on the car lot with little or no confidence, you will be susceptible to giving away your money that you never had. A car salesman can read you like a book. He wants to have control over you and tell you what to do and how to spend your money. Do not forget that you are the one with the money in your pocket, and he is just trying to get some or all of it if you allow him to. Do your homework If you never did your homework in school, now is not the time to skip out on doing it. Finding detailed information about your vehicle options before you go to a car lot can hold value for yourself. Even the car salesman will realize that you have done so without specifically asking you. Knowing what you are looking for will also cut down on your time spent on a car lot. This also tells the car salesman what kind of direction to take you. If you walk on the car lot and see they have the specific car you have been looking for, you can easily say, "I want that car." Do not be afraid to negotiate A car salesman has to earn a paycheck just like anyone else, but sometimes they know when they can take advantage of a car buyer. If they tell you a price …show more content…
There are some key factors to consider in a GPS unit and if these features do not perform well, renders the GPS useless. Below I have outlined some helpful steps that I have used in selecting a GPS unit for myself. Step 1 Select a price range that you are willing to spend on a GPS unit. There is no need to spend more than $250.00 for a decent GPS system for your car. Step 2: Read user reviews starting with 1 and 2 star ratings. This is the most important part of your research. Make a list of the common negative comments about the GPS unit. Read 3, 4, and 5 star comments and write down all the common good things about the unit. Step 3: Important comments you need to consider are: GPS acquired satellite signal fairly quickly and recalculated route was quick. These are two of the most important factors of a GPS unit. If you are on the highway and you missed your exit you want a GPS unit that will recalculate your route quickly so that you can take action. This also holds true for loosing satellite signal. If a GPS system does not perform well in these two areas you should not purchase the unit. Step 4: If you are considering a GPS unit with live traffic updates make sure that you don't have to pay for the subscription. There are GPS units out there that come with free live traffic updates for life. Read the features of the GPS unit concerning