Forming a budget is necessary in order to learn how to handle money and become financially successful. Creating a budget helped me discover how I’d like to live, and how I can afford my desired life style. Eventually I’d like to have my own home, so for housing, I selected the “buy a place of your own” option. The estimated monthly cost for this was $3,180. Next I had to choose the expenses that would come along with owning my own place. I chose the mobile phone service, gas, electricity, water, trash pickup, and internet options because I feel those will be the most necessary in my case. I decided to leave out home telephone service because it would be unnecessary, anyone who would like to contact me can do so by calling …show more content…
Dental hygienists clean teeth and examine patients for signs of oral disease. Dental hygienists also educate patients on the best ways to improve or maintain good oral health. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the occupation will grow 19 percent by 2024, which is faster than the average growth rate for most occupations. To legally work as a dental hygienist in the United States, I must attend accredited programs at community colleges, vocational schools or universities. Then I would need to get a license from the state where I will work. The state of California tends to compensate dental hygienists really well, especially in the areas of San Francisco, which is where I’d like to move. In fact, in 2014, the average annual wage in California was $94,370 with most people making between $64,720 and $120,470. This occupation would allow me to have the kind of life style I want. Other occupations that would fulfill my financial needs include optometrist, registered nurse, and radiologist. According to Career Zone, the average annual wage in California for most of these occupations is $188,560. However, most of these occupations require graduate school as opposed to a dental hygienist. They require either a master's degree or a Ph.D. Creating this budget really helped put things into perspective in terms of how I want live my life and what I have to do in order to afford it. While doing the California Reality Check, I