If I was age twenty- eight, was married to a guy name Dana who was age thirty- two and we had a son name Stuart who was six-year-old and we had to make a budget worksheet so that we can control how our income is being spent on. While planning a budget the category that Dana and I would have to budget our money for after adding up all our income are housing, transportation, debt, other, and savings. While making a budget for housing the items we would have to budget money for are Rent, yard maintenances, pool maintenance, and insurance – hazard. In this example after adding up our income the amount of money Dana and I should budget is three thousand, nine hundred dollars. For the subtitle rent under the category housing on the budget worksheet we would put one – thousand out of our income for rent because that is how much we would have to pay for rent to be able to stay in the home that we are living in. For yard maintenance, the total amount of money we would need to have …show more content…
Which would end up giving us one hundred and fifty every two weeks to go grocery shopping. Another item we would have to budget for in the others category is for the water in our home we would not have a regular water bill so we would only have to budget sixteen dollars every month for water. For the reason that we would be getting our water from a well system so only thing we would need to do is buy five bags of Morton salt system saver two peltets also known as a water softener two times from Walmart a year to maintain the well system (Home Improvement, n.d.). For life insurance for our family to be insur by state farm according to the quotes I got from one of the representatives to get life insurance for me we would have to budget nineteen dollars a month, twenty dollars for Dana. So, that both Dana and I would have a six-year term life coverage for up to fifty thousand dollars. For our son Stuart, we would need thrity – six dollars and two cent a month for a whole life coverage because he is too young for a term life coverage (Allstate, 2016). Also in this category we would budget one hundred and twenty dollars a month for our electric bills because while reading the article call “average-monthly-electric-bill-by-state” there was a map that shows that the average amount a family that lives in