They give a lot of antibiotics so they can grow faster and larger. Also have you ever read on a carton of eggs that says cage free well cage free basically the same thing. I am going to tell the benefits on free range
animals. Free range is allowing chickens to have some access to an outside area.
Animals deserves living under conditions that allow them the chance to seek happiness (which is
not to say they won’t become another animals lunch)’’. Caged animals or cage free lives a short life and
free range live a longer and better life. Free range animals lives a much longer life with freedom. Caged
animals or cage free lives a short life …show more content…
“For at least part of the day they can roam freely outdoors rather than
being confined in an enclosure for 24 hours each day. Chicken on your or in your backyard can benefit
your landscape.
“Scientific evidence demonstrate that caged animals have a greater chance to get infected with
salmonella which is among the common causes of food-related hospitalization and deaths in US and
Canada. They say cage free is better for animals. But I disagree free range is better for animals because
they are not in a harsh community. Therefore cage free is bad because it is basically like caged because
there is no space and they do not get no sunlight and they trample each other to death.
Free range livestock are permitted to roam freely without being fenced in. In the US free range
regulations apply only to poultry and indicate that the animal has been allowed access to the outside.
The USDA regulations do not specify the quality or size of the outside range nor the duration of the time
an animal must have access to the outside. “Free range chickens on your farm or in your backyard can
benefit your landscape. A few chickens in your backyard can help reduce pests in your garden and
provide provide you with source of