The book is written in a timeline , it tells me about the small fires that took place before the Big Burn. Its is written in second-person point of view that lets me know how the characters act. This books includes pictures that are very helpful. The pictures include some of the men that survived the fire and how the forests looked after the Big Burn. I like the way the book is written , it tells me what the soldiers and men were going through as they were going through this experience.…
The Novel that I am reading this week is Maybe by the Author Brent Runyon. The novel was first published in 2006 by Borzoi Book. Brent also has a memoir titled The Burn Journals. The title of The Burn Journal was related to the fact that as a fourteen year old he tried to commit suicide by burning himself. He had tried suicide once before, he had attempted to hang himself which he did not succeed at.…
These types of traumas will cause more bone to form making the case even…
Due to Brent’s injuries from the attempted suicide by burning, he has to learn to do nearly everything again. He has to learn to breathe, to walk, and to recover from such an horrible event he experienced. If you read this book, you will be taken on a journey of recovery and finding yourself again. The Burn Journals is a memoir that manages to make a horrific event, into something that can be related to and understood as I did myself after reading…
When you observe the injury you should get a comparison to another part of the body, this way you can see any swelling. The first aider needs to pin point where the…
I think prescribed burns are useful. They decrease the probability of uncontrollable devastation from wildfires, insects and invaders, and increase biodiversity. Thousands upon thousands of acres every year lost in forest fires once a year. we tend to always hear about the dramatic losses caused by forest fires and are usually involved by them. There ar such a big amount of alarming effects from fires and most of them have an effect on such a big amount of individuals.…
The pitching is getting faster, bat speeds are getting quicker, and bats are created with newer and better technology; these three things are resulting in softballs popping off bats at higher velocities, yet no required protective measures are being taken to protect the pitcher from the ball. Getting hit by a ball traveling at high speeds can have devastating effects on a pitcher if no safety measures are taken to soften the blow of the ball. A hit to the body or face of a pitcher cannot be prevented, but the injuries can be reduced to minimal. A face mask can save a pitcher not only from facial injuries, but it weakens the impact of the ball and can save her life. The distance from home plate to the mound in softball is 43 feet, but…
Concussion and head injury prevention have become a huge part of modern helmets. Additionally, ideas that were once thought back in the earlier time periods are no longer allowed (single face bar). Also, certain aspects are required at all times: the helmet, the full facemask, and the chin straps. Combine these changes in helmets, with the changes in rules, and the way tackling is taught, the NFL and football in general is in the right direction towards safety. However, as mentioned, concussion rate is increasing.…
Pat Barker's Regeneration is one of the best anti-war novels written in the late 1990s. Focusing on the adverse side of the First World War, Pat Barker tells the story of male soldiers who suffered shell shock on the battlefield. Most of these men share a common feature: they all suffer from both psychological and physical trauma that needs to be dealt with. The WW1 is considered the first modern war, introducing new inventions such as the mustard gas or the tank, as well as this was the first time when the aerial warfare was significant and bombardment became a common tactic. The soldiers on the front line experienced brutality that was never seen before in the form of exploding bomb shells and killing gas.…
The image I chose, titled Anxiety, was created by Benjamin Koelewijn. The picture shows a nude woman with a burning scalp covering her body in different ways. The flames are burning a cloth on her head, and the cloth shields her eyes. Her face is nearly void of expression, and is smeared with oil, along with her shoulders, arms, chest, and torso. Her right hand clenches her left shoulder, and a blanket is draped between her arms.…
Trauma can occur to anyone who has been violated, hurt, or threatened, or to those who witness these acts (Smyth, 2013). Clients may have experienced trauma through child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual assault, natural disasters, life threatening illness, being threatened by death or harm, serious accidents, and many other situations where danger is present (Smyth, 2013). Trauma Informed Care (TIC) is an intervention acknowledging how all types of trauma may be impacting clients, and recognizing and responding to trauma in a safe and empowering way (Trauma-Informed Care, 2012). Experiencing trauma can significantly impact a person, and clients who have been through trauma may develop various mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, childhood behavioral disorders, substance abuse, or personality disorders (Smyth, 2013). Trauma often results in a cycle of trauma, with the traumatic event eliciting a bodily response, followed by an emotional response, and then a behavioral response; after this, each time a trigger…
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder What is it? Justin VanSickle Block 8 11/19/2014 Always fear the flame, lest you be devoured by it, and lose yourself. Traumatic experiences can putrefy, rot, and completely level the essence of a soul. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder also commonly known as PTSD by the plebeians of the world, is a terrible disease that is cause by a variety of reasons, it has effected military combat veterans since the beginning of warfare, it can be treatable, it changes people, and our understanding of PTSD has changed throughout history.…
Throughout the years the amount of crimes leading to victim injury has risen and so has the level of victims participating in the criminal justice process. Victims have been able to share about their pain and suffering through victim impact statements, VIS, these are usually red by the victim right before sentencing. There are two points of view when it comes to VIS. Some believe that they have had a positive effect on sentencing and that they are also good for the victim’s personal wellbeing. While some others believe that the emotional reaction from the VIS has led to excessive sentencing.…
Sunburn is superficial damage to skin (living tissues) which has had a prolonged exposure to the sun making the affected area very red, swollen, blistered and painful. It can make the person suffering very tired. When dealing with a person with sunburn we must get them to a shaded area, give them cool drinks to help their body temperature lower and they could apply a cold, fine water spray to the affected area or could take regular cool showers or baths to help soothe the area. If available you could apply a lotion containing calamine or aloe vera to the affected area. Blisters must not be popped and peeling skin should not be picked.…
Alan Silva Professor Gloria Bennett English1102 November 27,2016 Not All Things Heal with Time Some of the most painful injuries are not always visible; in fact, some of the most life debilitating injuries are the ones that cannot be seen, for they are the ones forever etched into the psyche. Depression, anger, fear, hopelessness, and isolation: these represent the gloomy colors that PTSD has chosen to carve into the canvas that is a victim’s mind using the stiff bristles of trauma. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition or injury that maims soldiers and civilians alike who have been dealt a bad hand in life and had to endure emotionally intense situations.…