Bulldog Chick Zone Case Study

Improved Essays
Bulldog Chill Zone
A. My group of associates and I are the founders of this new service called the “Bulldog Chill Zone”. We are all Fresno State students and we know from experience how stress affects us first hand. I came up with the idea of the “Chill zone” when I thought to myself, what is something that is not only beneficial to people but is needed in this area.
B. This is what my Process will be on. Next after doing some research I found out how our service could possibly be saving your life in the Marketing section. Lastly, I will be going in depth in what we will be providing at the “Bulldog Chill Zone” in the Details section.
(First, I will talk about the process)
A. The Process
A. In the beginning, it was mostly just Martin and I coming up with ideas for our product or service. Martin had some crazy ideas like a machine that sucks up carbon dioxide and turns it into oxygen. We all quickly brought to his attention that a tree does that. Martin also had this idea for an “Anti-nuke System” that would shoot nukes out of the sky before getting to us. Although all agreed that we don’t want to get nuked, we thought it would be best to go with a different idea. B. After some thought I came up with an idea of a service that would benefit students. I thought that we can design a place where students can go to relieve stress. Having a place to go to just relax and relive stress, also seeing other college students around going through the same thing puts a peace at mind that you’re not alone. This service will be located near Fresno State but hopefully expand to building different “Chill Zones” near other schools along with creating a mobile “Chill Zone”. (Second, I will talk about marketing) B. Marketing A. Stress is something we face every day, which in small doses is a good thing but in large doses it can be deadly. When your brain is stressed, the “adrenal glands located on top of your kidneys release hormones”, which can be deadly when activated frequently. To elaborate more on these hormones, they cause your body to strengthen its senses, your muscles to become tighter, your heart picks up pace and causes your blood begins to fill with “sugar ready energy”. This is the reason why most college students don’t get much sleep due to the energy their body is producing due to the stress they are receiving. This response is more commonly “known as fight or flight response.” It is proven when your stress levels are too high for long periods of time, it can cause your body to weaken your immune system and or causing any potential sicknesses to become worst then they were. The reduction of
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Besides all the aspects that can affect our healthy immune system like pollution or lack asleep, one of the leading causes for an unhealthy immune system is stress. Over use of your “neurological pathways” can produce negative hormones which can affect or change the cells of your body’s immune system due to stress. When these cells are altered, they can cause your body’s immune system to over-respond or even under-respond, to any type of bacteria or virus that your body tries to fight off. Stressed has been linked to various disease and illness such as heart disease and anxiety disorder which is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There are different types of stressful events which we call Stressors, but not all stressors affect our body in a negative way, such as Acute Stressors. These are temporary and usually involve activates such as public speaking or a test. Although these are less harmful, “over-reactive immune system can cause allergies, asthma, chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases”. Sequential Stressors are more major events such as lose of a love one or a natural disaster. And lastly Chronic Stressors more demanding and forces people to stress for longer periods of time and they don’t know how long they will feel that way. Examples include caring for an older person or maybe a disability that you may have to live with for the rest of your life. Both cause your body to become vulnerable to illness. (Reeves,

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