Two of the three major region in China are Buddhism and Confucianism. Confucianism and Buddhism have had a huge impact in China. They are not only a way of thinking, but they also are a way of life. Confucianism and Buddhism both have a yearning to reach an ultimate harmony, in which each individual can live ethically, however their method and focus to reach this harmony differs considerably.
Confucius created Confucianism during the Warring States era. Confucius …show more content…
Confucian Analects is a record of Confucius’s sayings collected by his students. In this book, there is a sentences that tell us we have to reflect on ourselves“Thrice daily I ask myself: In dealing for others, have I been unfaithful? Have I been untrue to friends? Do I practice what I preach?” In this book there’s another sentence to tell us we have to be honest which is “When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it; -- this is knowledge.” If your active are always follow the 《Confucian Analects》you will not have that much vexation and you will always improve. When you become a humane, honest and remission people, you can help others a lot.
Siddhartha came from a similar background, but had a good upbringing. He was born into a royal family, his mom dreamed that a white elephant descended from heaven and entered her womb before she gave birth to him.The holy man told the king, if Siddhartha grew up without suffering he would become a really successful king, but if he saw any suffering he would become a buddha. The king want Siddhartha become a really good king, so he he raised the boy in great luxury and shielded him from knowledge of religion and human …show more content…
Unlike Confucianism, buddhism believe the life after death. They have Saṃsāra karma and rebirth. Samsāra is defined as the continual repetitive cycle of birth and death that arises from ordinary beings ' grasping and fixating on a self and experiences. Karma (from Sanskrit: "action, work") is the force that drivessaṃsāra—the cycle of suffering and rebirth for each being. And Rebirth refers to a process whereby beings go through a succession of lifetimes as one of many possible forms of sentient life, each running from conception[29] to death. The central to the teachings of Buddhism is Four Noble Truth. And the buddha said that the suffering is come from your desire. The way to solve the suffering is Noble Eightfold Path, if you follow all these eight rule, you will not have any suffering.
Both Confucius and Siddhartha were persistent. Confucius never stopped teaching others and he kept traveling to other countries to share his ideas with people. Although none of the kings he visited accepted his theory, he didn’t give up. Finally, his theory used by Hanwu King after he died for a long time. When Siddhartha thing the prince’s life is not fit him, he just the palace, shaved his head, and changed his prince 's clothes for a beggar 's robe. Although act as an ascetic is really hard, and it makes him really thin, he did not give up. He find a middle way to practice. Finally he became a