Brown Bess Characters

Decent Essays
In the Chapters 1-3 the character, Tim, is trying to decide whether to be loyal to Sam or to be loyal to his father. Sam, Tim’s older brother that he looks up to, in listed in the war to fight for the rebels freedom, so steals a weapon that means a lot to his family called the Brown Bess. Tim’s father uses the Brown Bess to hunt animals and provide for the family. The Brown Bess a very important part of Tim’s families lifestyle. Sam wants the Brown Bess so that he can go to war and have a chance to make the America a free country, but Tim’s father is trying to tell him that war is ugly and how so many people die, but Sam declines to listen. Sam can only see one side of the story, his side and he does not understand that the family needs the Brown Bess, so he makes Tim choose which family member he is more loyal to, without knowing it Tim
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Tim has now chosen and “there are not secrets that time does not reveal” (Jean Racine) so this secret will soon get out and he will have lost father’s trust.

The lesson author is trying to teach is loyalty. The author is trying to show you that sometimes being loyal is not as easy as you may thing. Most people think that loyalty is easy like choosing to trust someone that you don’t like or someone that you do, but it is different, like in this book Sam is trying to make Tim choose between him or his father. These are people that Tim should be loyal to, but Tim is put in a tough situation where he needs to choose (or so he thinks.) He loves both of these family members and is forced to choose one. Sam makes it hard for him and makes him swear to him that he'll never tell father about stealing the Brown Bess and running off to war. Tim has now sworn and has without knowing it lost his father's trust in

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