Bowlby was a psychoanalyst and father of attachment theory. His grief theory described a series of stages through which bereaved individuals experience grief reactions, and in time, reach recovery (Domingo, Cañal, Labine, & Capoquian, 2016, p. 128). Even though Jenna didn’t experience the loss of death, she still experienced the lots of her best friend. Bowlby’s four stages of grief are numbness, yearning, disorganization and despair, and reorganization. Jenna experienced all of these feelings during the gradual loss of her friendship. The first response Jenna had from her loss was numbness. She was numb because she couldn’t believe Hayley dated her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t think it was true at first until people started coming up to her and telling her about it. Jenna was also angry that her best friend could ditch her for her other senior friends. According to Bowlby, bereaved individuals exhibit outbursts of extremely intense distress and/or anger, and are likely unable to comprehend the full impact of the loss (Domingo, et al., 2016, p. 129). The next stage Jenna went through was yearning. She had a best friend for the past few years and suddenly, she had no one to turn to. After Jenna yearned for her best friend, her life became somewhat disorganized. Jenna had a busy schedule since she was in volleyball, but on her days off she had to face reality. She felt disorganized with her life and she didn’t like the way her life was
Bowlby was a psychoanalyst and father of attachment theory. His grief theory described a series of stages through which bereaved individuals experience grief reactions, and in time, reach recovery (Domingo, Cañal, Labine, & Capoquian, 2016, p. 128). Even though Jenna didn’t experience the loss of death, she still experienced the lots of her best friend. Bowlby’s four stages of grief are numbness, yearning, disorganization and despair, and reorganization. Jenna experienced all of these feelings during the gradual loss of her friendship. The first response Jenna had from her loss was numbness. She was numb because she couldn’t believe Hayley dated her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t think it was true at first until people started coming up to her and telling her about it. Jenna was also angry that her best friend could ditch her for her other senior friends. According to Bowlby, bereaved individuals exhibit outbursts of extremely intense distress and/or anger, and are likely unable to comprehend the full impact of the loss (Domingo, et al., 2016, p. 129). The next stage Jenna went through was yearning. She had a best friend for the past few years and suddenly, she had no one to turn to. After Jenna yearned for her best friend, her life became somewhat disorganized. Jenna had a busy schedule since she was in volleyball, but on her days off she had to face reality. She felt disorganized with her life and she didn’t like the way her life was