Healthy People 2020 is a campaign launched by the Department of Health and Human Services, with a focus to improve the health of the nation. Every ten years, they identify new or existing health issues and find ways of improving them. A few of their missions are to educate the public on the current health issues and how they can prevent them, and to provide the public with specific goals and objectives for each major health issue. Since obesity has been a growing health issue for the past few decades, it is included under their topic “Nutrition and Weight Status” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015).…
Furthermore, according to the 2010 US Census, the total number of housing units in Huntington Park was 15,151 and 14,597 were occupied. Only 3,936 homes were occupied by their owner, and the majority are renter occupied (10,661) (2010 US Census). Concerning owner-occupied housing units, the 2010 Census reports 3,662 Hispanic or Latino householders, followed by 174 White (non-Hispanic) householders, 52 Asian householders, and 30 African American householders. The majority of renters in the city are Hispanic or Latino (10,325), followed by 190 White, 63 African American, and 45 Asian renters. Meanwhile, the 2014 ACS estimated that the population 16 years and over in the labor force is 28,247.…
In 1990, obese adults represented less than 15 percent of the U.S. Population but by 2010, the obesity crisis had hit an unprecedented high. Thirty-six “states had obesity rates of 25 percent or higher, and 12 of those had obesity rates of 30 percent or higher” (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 2015, para. 1). Today, obesity has fast become a national health crisis, a crisis of vacated immunity when considering approximately two out of three adults are either overweight or obese. Although African Americans have the highest-age-adjusted rates of obesity for reasons to follow, this paper will focus on obesity and its impact on the Hispanic population. Hispanic Population Statistics Currently, national data suggest 78.6 percent of Hispanic males are either overweight or obese, followed by Hispanic females at 77.2 percent.…
The USDA has been involved in actively promoting good nutrition to the public for more than one hundred years. It was in 1894 that the USDA developed and promoted food guides as a resource to help the American population learn about good nutrition and have the knowledge to choose a diet that was considered healthy for those times. The first USDA food guide consisting of the identification of food groups was developed in 1916. As time went on, the structure for food guides was focused on and evolved around the current needs of the population. These included notions on how to select foods with economics in mind especially during the Great Depression.…
The medical care costs of obesity in the United State are staggering to a point that the these costs totaled about $147 billion. People who were obese had medical costs that were $1,429 higher than the cost for people of normal body weight as well as being associated with decreased productivity and chronic absenteeism (Finkelstein, EA, Trogdon, JG, Cohen, JW, and Dietz, W. Annual medical spending attributable to obesity: Payer-and service-specific estimates. Health Affairs 2009; 28(5); w822-w831). The potential financial impact to states and employers made prioritizing and promoting effective wellness programs essential.…
The current obesity rate for South Dakota high school students is 14.7%, ranking South Dakota as the 12th highest state out of 43 with high school obesity. Historically, the obesity rate of high school students was lower than 14.7% with 1999-2001 being the lowest at 7.5%, but has been steadily climbing year after year to an astonishing doubled rate. With the trend of adult obesity at 30.4% and still rising, there is no doubt that high school obesity is a direct causation to adult obesity. An abstract published in 2011 from the National Library of Medicine states that obesity is a problem in the United States and South Dakota, with South Dakota’s obesity being higher than the national prevalence. South Dakota’s Department of Health has been…
Over the last few decades, obesity has become a major problem throughout the world. The United States’ population has been known to struggle most notoriously with obesity. In basic terms, weight is measured by body mass index or BMI. When a person has gone above their recommended BMI for their height and age, they may be considered overweight or obese.…
The American Government contributes to the obesity epidemic by supporting unhealthy eating habits in order to make a profit the federal food administration supports factory farming, big pharmacies, politicians and subsidy program. Have you wondered why less healthy food is inexpensive compared to healthy food?When you go into a grocery store and compare the price of a large bag of Doritos and a bag of grapes. There is a big gap in the food industry filled with these genetically engineered snacks. These cheap convenient snacks are targeted at lower economic levels, they are forced to reconcile since their financial restrictions force them to do so. Obesity is peaking in america and we don't have anyone to blame but ourselves.…
The disparity among those that are overweight multiples, causing stress on the body’s organs and puts the individual at a higher risk for more serious and life-threatening health issues (Atkins 2015). Although the complications of obesity are life threatening and have become a nationwide issue, obesity rates have continued to climb with African American women having the highest rates of obesity, that being every 1 in 2 women (Gale, 2015). Additionally, there has been a trend of obesity peaking among middle aged Americans because of the low levels of activity in the average American lifestyle. On top of that, it has been found that among other developed countries in the world, Americans tend to eat a high caloric diet, further contributing to the increase in body fat (Gale, 2015). Moreover, there are factors that one may not be able to control that contribute to an individual’s weight such as genes, metabolism, and the environment that they live in (James 2004).…
The obesity epidemic in the United States is now three decades old, continuing to worsen over the years. Many Americans are fearful of being categorized as obese because of the risk of other developing health conditions that come along with it, including: heart disease, cancer, diabetes or sleep apnea, just to name a few. Obesity is looked at as a simplistic issue because being larger than others automatically means that one is lazy right? This is the attitude taken towards this subject. Many people do not understand the complexity of obesity, but medical professionals and other researchers are starting to take a look into why the number of people being diagnosed as obese is increasing.…
Obesity is one of the fastest growing diseases in the world today with more than one-third of US adults and one-in-six US children considered obese, according to the Center for Disease Control (2014). Over the past few decades, obesity has more than doubled within the US, increasing from 15% of Americans in 1990 to over 36% of Americans in 2014 (CDC). Not only is obesity increasing rapidly within the US, but researchers have found that obesity is also more prevalent in ethnic minorities than in the general population, and is most common in people with Hispanic backgrounds. Obesity is also more prevalent in those with low incomes and in poorer countries (CDC, 2014). This stood out to me due to the fact that I come from a Hispanic background,…
Obesity is referred to as an excess amount of body fat. Although rates of obesity have risen among all ethnic groups; African Americans are affected greatly by this epidemic. “Obesity prevalence in United States adults exceeds 30% with the highest prevalence being among blacks” (Mehari et al,2015, p. 1). Nonetheless, with the implementation of a healthier diet, obesity rates within the African American population can decrease drastically. People are categorized by healthcare professionals as being either underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.…
Obesity rates are soaring within the United States, while efforts to modify eating habits have remained unscathed. Studies confirm between “1980 and 2000, obesity rates doubled among adults” and “about sixty million adults, or thirty percent of the adult population, are now obese” (CDC, 2015). Obesity disproportionately affects African Americans compared to all other ethnic groups. In a recent study, the general adult obesity rate is 34.9%. While African American obesity rates is 47.8 %, whites (32.6%) and Latinos (42.5%) (NCHS, 2015).…
Fast Food is not responsible for the obesity epidemic increase and Health risks in America. “When filmmaker Morgan Spurlock heard about a lawsuit that two overweight New York teenagers had brought against McDonald's, blaming the restaurant for their condition, he decided to conduct an experiment” (Morales). When we hear about a case involving health problems or obesity, blaming a major fast food company, we feel one of two ways; angry at the consumer or angry at the company. We feel sorry for the consumer who was supposedly wronged and give them sympathy; but how can we give sympathy to someone who is killing themselves one Big Mac at a time, then blaming the people who they knowingly requested it from. there is a huge demand for convenient…
Obesity in America becomes a more relevant issue as time progresses and people develop terrible habits. Yvette C. Terrie, a writer from U.S. News Health states, “In the past two decades in the United States, there 's been an alarming increase in obesity rates among all age groups, even children. It 's estimated that more than one-third of adults and 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese.” These numbers are alarming because of the massive amounts of health problems that obesity causes such as diabetes, Coronary artery disease, and cancer (Terrie). Although it may not seem like it, some obese people have diseases or health complications that result in excessive overweight.…