Health Disparities

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Although the term health disparities seem to represent a widely understood concept, its definition and exact meaning has caused much controversy. This is due to the fact that the most accepted definition of health disparities focuses on the differences that negatively and systematically affect those groups that are less advantaged and that not all differences in health status are considered to be disparities. Historically, in the United States, racial and ethnic disparities have been the primary point of discussion (Dehlendorf, 2010). The objective of this paper is to shed light onto the various types of disparities that affect Americans, specifically the minority populations and the economic cost.
Heart disease is the number one cause of death
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The disparity among those that are overweight multiples, causing stress on the body’s organs and puts the individual at a higher risk for more serious and life-threatening health issues (Atkins 2015). Although the complications of obesity are life threatening and have become a nationwide issue, obesity rates have continued to climb with African American women having the highest rates of obesity, that being every 1 in 2 women (Gale, 2015). Additionally, there has been a trend of obesity peaking among middle aged Americans because of the low levels of activity in the average American lifestyle. On top of that, it has been found that among other developed countries in the world, Americans tend to eat a high caloric diet, further contributing to the increase in body fat (Gale, 2015). Moreover, there are factors that one may not be able to control that contribute to an individual’s weight such as genes, metabolism, and the environment that they live in (James 2004). Although these factors are not easy to manipulate, there are ways to minimize the disparity of health among those who are obese and overweight with healthy eating and in dire need, prescription …show more content…
According to Ayanian, racial health disparities are connected with significant annual economic losses nationwide, including an estimated $35 billion in excess health care expenditures, $10 billion in illness-related lost productivity, and nearly $200 billion in premature deaths. To impulse the whole health care system toward refining quality while enclosing costs you must reduce racial disparities in health care, which is called value-based care (Ayanian, 2015). Reducing racial health disparities can and will save more money per person yearly in medical expenses. Better incorporation of policies and partnerships will narrow the racial break in life anticipation and boost the economic cost that comes with improved health/long life (Ayanian,

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