Bill C-51 Research Paper

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This paper will argue; Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and the recently elected Prime minister of the country, has conveyed the important need to amending Bill C-51 as he and many Canadians believe that it is contradictory to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. The emphasis on the bill has been due to various reasons but among the main reasons, the Liberal party believes that there is disparity with the Charter of Rights and Freedom. Most importantly it is the job of the government to ensure that its people are given the Rights and freedom every individual in a country deserves. Typically that has been the case in most cases, however when Bill C-51 was introduced, there was confusion amongst people as they were not able to grasp …show more content…
Justin Trudeau, who strongly supports reform liberalism, along with his party, the Liberal Party of Canada, strongly believes that if the Bill C-51 is amended, an individual can obtain freedom and rights. The current situation is highly different, where an individual cannot reach full development due to terror or anxiety. Under the Bill C-51, if a person is seen as a threat to national security, his information can be shared among seventeen government departments. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) also has the authority to access his personal information including social networks and bank accounts (Watters, 2015). Similarly, a person can go to jail for up to five years for promoting terrorism, irrespective of the fact if the act has been carried out or not. This is a rather vague term as it does not give clear and precise evidence as to on what exact grounds is the individual being arrested. For all we know, the person may not even belong to any terrorist group or have any affiliation with a terrorist attack. Yet still find himself in jail on the basis of "promoting"

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