2. While Colorado initially had rehabilitation for juvenile offenses, in the decade of 1980-1990, the level of juvenile crime rates skyrocketed. These high rates attracted media attention and spotlight, which lead to legislative results. As a method of combating the high crime rates, the General Assembly eliminated the possibility of parole for those who have been sentenced to life imprisonment. Legislation was also passed that granted greater power to district attorneys to move that juveniles be tried as adults.…
In the novel, “The Power of Broke,” by Daymond John, the author uses tone to convey his message in crucial parts of the book. Daymond John says, “Started it with two other friends each putting in $400, which was pretty much all they had.” (47). The tone of the quote is straightforward with no extra fluff to emphasize the importance of the sentence. Daymond John mentions an adviser named Jay Abraham, “To look at today at Jay Abraham-a leading marketing consultant adviser to Fortune 500 companies, bestselling author, and sought after growth strategist-you’d never guess he came from modest beginnings” (110). In this quote Daymond John, uses a motivational tone of voice to portray his message of not all successful come from rich upbringings.…
It helps with communication, and often people from other countries feel more comfortable speaking their language, instead of speaking English. Rodriguez describes this in his essay: “Shortly after, I stopped hearing the high and loud sounds of los gringos. A more and more confident speaker of English, I didn’t trouble to listen to how strangers sounded, speaking to me” (101-104). This passage from Rodriguez’s essay shows how useful being bilingual is. In his case, his learning of English made him a true American citizen because he could finally speak his country’s language.…
English has been spoken in America as a national language for so long. Every American knows how to speak and even right fluent English. The American English, though slightly differs with the British English. In the recent times, there has been an ongoing debate about whether the country should be multilingual or remain with the monolingual ways of speaking English as the national language. There have been various scholars writing about English as a language.…
Being bilingual opens new horizons for several people in the world. If all people were bilingual, everyone would be able to communicate more fluently, without the need for translators or people stammering in attempt to talk in another language. Moreover, a second language can provide you with better business opportunities, like a job with a Latino country if you know Spanish or Latin. Overall, having even a few words from a second “lengua” stashed in your memory for later use can benefit you immensely in the future. First of all, you could be a translator.…
My position on bilingualism is: I believe people should attempt to retain their culture and identity, but also should try to accept and learn the language of the area, but should not be shamed in the public place. The first example of my idea comes from Espadas essay, “The New Bathroom Policy at English High School.” Espada implies, “I have never met a single person who didn’t want to learn English. What they want to do is also retain their own language, culture, and identity. ”(164-168).…
Rhetorical Analysis: Positivity of Bilingual Education Bilingual education has positively affected foreign children with their overall lives. Kenneth Jost’s, Harvard College and Georgetown University Law Center alumni, article, “Bilingual Education vs. English Immersion” is about the positive significance of bilingual education in public schools. Jeff Bale’s, a language education professor at Michigan State University, article, “Bilingual Education is the Best Approach for English Language Learners” also explains why this type of education is effective for foreign students. Together, both of these authors provide an effective argument with the use of reasoning, credibility, and emotion, but also include logical fallacies. Jost’s and Bale’s…
In an increasingly intercultural world, the monolingual American norm is no longer an adequate option for American students. The research studies have continued to show the myriad of benefits of becoming bilingual at a tender age. In this paper, I wish to draw attention to the current, growing trend of dual language Immersion programs. Early childhood is a critical period for a child’s linguistic and cognitive development. Despite the well-documented benefits of multilingualism, the current educational practices in the United States reflects the deeply held belief that English should be the sole language of instruction.…
Today, many immigrants come to the United States from different parts of the world, bringing wonderful cultures and traditions. Some people receive an education in their homelands, and come to the United States speaking some English, but others only speak their native tongue. In order to “make it” in America, it is important for immigrants to learn how to speak English. Why is it so important for immigrants to learn how to speak English in the United States? It is an advantage for immigrants to learn the language in the United States, it opens more opportunities for better-paying jobs, which will allow them to have a more prosperous life being able to provide for the family.…
According the article by Olena Centeno a person who is bilingual is inclined to have an interest and immerse themselves into another culture. Olena Centeno also states that bilingualism experience tolerance for a different culture. Bilingualism can also boost one’s confidence with communicating with…
Have you ever wondered what is like for a no English speaking person to come to the United States for the first time? Let me walk you through my experience as a Hispanic moving into the United States. Is an experience I will never forget; I was in middle school in Puerto Rico when my mother told the family the news of us moving to Connecticut do to her finding a better career opportunity. It seemed like the idea of starting a new school in a new state was not enough considering it was not a Spanish speaking school. I was terrified.…
A lot of people do not understand that not everyone speaks English. Bilingualism means being able to communicate effortlessly in two languages. However, not only speaking, but reading and writing fluently as well. I am grateful to have been taught how to read and write in Spanish while attending church. I am also appreciative to have learned English at a very young age, because little did I know that it would become a big role in my life.…
The purpose for the bilingual education is to help the kids that need to have access to that language barrier that they want to knock down for awhile. However, there have been some cases around the globe that have said that bilingual education is not appropriate for this certain school. A lot of the students in some school for today are complaining about not being able to communicate with their peers. But, in some cases that this type of education has helped with most of the students to be able to talk with their peers and also try to make new life long friends. Proponents claim bilingual education is more of a secondary language is more of a tool to help with kids to be able to talk and understand what the other person is saying to them, without using an interpreter 24/7.…
In general, bilingual education can be a very beneficial exercise for children of young age. More specifically, understanding two or more languages can aid the cognitive ability of children to a point where the flexibility of their everyday thinking can be enhanced immensely. Also, the overall social development of children who speak multiple languages can be enhanced as well, giving them more opportunity to make new friends and speak to other bilingual or monolingual people. Obviously, the benefits of bilingualism are in high numbers, but there are certain benefits that are much more noticeable than others.…
For example, a bilingual can get many benefits in various aspects such as cultural benefits, they can communicate with others better, chances of getting a higher-paying job with government non-government and international agenesis. As Nelson Mandela quotes it: "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. " Conversation to someone in their own or native language is a good complement to the person. Therefore, being bilingual has a constructive effect on individual’s and…