In a lesser capacity, consider Marjorie Nugent, whose social standing and subsequent murder by her "companion" is the subject of the feature film, "Bernie." Some of the traits characterized by this psychopath include her inability to emotionally connect with anyone; even her attachment to the title character appears to be more comfort/convenience than an actual emotional attachment. Mrs. Nugent lacked the interpersonal interaction ability and humility to be an asset to the her community. This led her fellow community members to abhor her and to actually be content when she was murdered, to point of empathizing with her killer. While Mrs. Nugent wasn't the same violent psychopath as the aforementioned individuals, she exhibited the majority of the traits without having a catalyst to initiate their …show more content…
psychopaths are born with psychopathic personalities." This is hypothesis is expounded upon by Robert Hare Ph.D. who developed the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. This checklist noted indicators and the fact that there were two components, emotional and behavioral, which aid in the detection of a psychopath. Traits which were present in all of the aforementioned individuals, "...glibness, emotional detachment, egocentricity,..antisocial lifestyle..." mark their psychopathy. The presence of these indicators in Gein, Bundy and Nugent also denote their personal antisocial disorders. While once again Nugent did not have the propensity for uninitiated violence, her inability to empathize or sympathize with her siblings and refrain from self-centered behavior upon the demise of their mother and the subsequent battle over possessions. While once again, this isn't as socially significant as murder or necrophilia, the noted absence of any type of interpersonal social skills, emotional attachments or humility among other traits distinguishes these individuals as psychopaths vs. individuals "who just don't like people..." None of these individuals possess the ability to "see past their own nose" which helped to shape their worlds and the views of