As a young child, my mom explained to me that I was going to face certain obstacles because I wasn't born in the United States. Coming from a family of five children, Me being the oldest, I have seen how my parents have worked their entire lives to provide me and my sibling with the best they can. Being the Daughter of Immigrants and, I, myself being an Immigrant it has shaped me to be the confident and hardworking person. I am proud of my Mexican roots and being able to be a part of my culture. I am not ashamed of being labeled as an Immigrant and instead of denying the whole thing, I have learned to …show more content…
A life where you have no worries to live, free in a country that can and is willing to offer so much. To offer the chance to pursue a career of your choice, travel the places you want to explore, have rights and most importantly freedom. The opportunities are always at the reach of our fingertips but we have to be able to strive to get those opportunities. I have faced people telling me, “Why are you stressing over school? You could be working already” or the most common thing that I have heard my whole entire life, “Are you sure you can afford going to college?” The dissatisfaction surrounding me has thrown me around like a string puppet just waiting for the moment where they yank me left and