This was a truly impactful moment that really helped to drive the point across that racism effects everybody in some way, even though most people try to cover it up. However, with that being said, I feel like the play was a little too over-the-top with its delivery of the subject material. I had an extremely hard time believing that the events could actually have happened because the actors tended to ‘fly off the handle’ way too quickly. Also, as somebody that applied to be an RA, Shelby would have gotten in a lot more trouble than what she did if she were to ignore the problem like that. Most RA’s are also required to have a minimum number of meetings to make sure that their students are doing okay. This wasn’t necessarily the actors’ or the director’s fault; I just think the script was lacking in some of the details. Overall, it was not a bad play and there were moments that did make me question my own thoughts on modern day racism. So, in a sense, the goal was achieved even if the impact of it was not to the fullest it could have
This was a truly impactful moment that really helped to drive the point across that racism effects everybody in some way, even though most people try to cover it up. However, with that being said, I feel like the play was a little too over-the-top with its delivery of the subject material. I had an extremely hard time believing that the events could actually have happened because the actors tended to ‘fly off the handle’ way too quickly. Also, as somebody that applied to be an RA, Shelby would have gotten in a lot more trouble than what she did if she were to ignore the problem like that. Most RA’s are also required to have a minimum number of meetings to make sure that their students are doing okay. This wasn’t necessarily the actors’ or the director’s fault; I just think the script was lacking in some of the details. Overall, it was not a bad play and there were moments that did make me question my own thoughts on modern day racism. So, in a sense, the goal was achieved even if the impact of it was not to the fullest it could have