Be sure to write a detailed description for each character (Consider appearance, personality, relationship to play/characters, and important plot events) and provide a thorough analysis of what is motivating his or her actions in the play.
Character Name
Page Number
Description/Analysis Of
Abigail Williams
When introduced, Abigail Williams is directly described as a stunningly beautiful 17 year old orphan who loves conversation and attention.
John Proctor
John Proctor, a sturdy mid-30 year old man, is one of the most respected yet also most feared man in town. He radiates a sense of confidence and maturity, and he is able to differentiate morality.
Elizabeth Proctor
Elizabeth Proctor, …show more content…
Our fundraising went exceedingly well as most of our community either donated or kindly rejected us. However, I can assure you one lady’s rejection was not cordial; it was an outright offensive and hateful dismissal. She was a lady, probably in her mid 40s, who was constrained by her disability to the house. She was bitter about the fact the she was unable to go on a vacation since she works nearly the whole day with no time for leisure. That caused an outburst from her because she was probably annoyed that we interrupted her work. We attempted to calm her down with a sympathetic apology. But she disregarded it, uttering comments about how us Latinos take America’s opportunities for granted and don’t appreciate it as we are always asking for more. She also said that that money we were asking for was earned through hard …show more content…
What event transpired between Abigail and John Proctor prior to the beginning of Act One? Prior to the beginning of Act One, Abigail and John Proctor seemed to have had a fling or affair that Abigail can’t seem to let go of.
11. How and by whom are the other villagers accused of witchcraft? What is the motivation of the girls’ accusations? How many people are accused on the last page of Act One? The villagers are accused of witchcraft by Tituba as she bursts out confessing, and crying out that she saw Goody Good and Goody Osburn with the Devil. Abigail and Betty follow, confessing of their misconduct, and accusing 8 villagers of being with the Devil; on the last page of Act One, 3 more are accused making it a total of 11 accused villagers. The motivation for the girls’ accusations was to transfer the culpability from their hands into the hands of the others. They would like to keep their names immaculate and so they confessed and accused random people they disliked of being witches who bewitched them.
Act II Study Guide Questions
2. Explain Elizabeth’s statement: “John, if it were not Abigail that you must go hurt, would you falter now? I think not?” and explain John’s