Babe Ruth's life was well lived. He was born February 6, 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland.(The 20's in America 762 - 764) His parents were George Herman Ruth and Katherine (Shamborg) Ruth. (Biographical Dictionary of American Sports 1336 - 1338)Ruth was named after his father so his full name was George Herman Ruth. (Biographical Dictionary of American Sports 1336 - 1338) His father was a Baltimore saloon keeper. (The Roaring Twenties 64) Ruth grew up on the rowdy docks of Baltimore "Pigtown" neighborhood. (The 20's in America 762 - 764) when Ruths father couldn’t control him any longer he sent Babe away to St. Mary Industrial school for boys. (The Roaring Twenties 64 and Biographical Dictionary of American Sports 1336 - 1338) This is where Babe spent his adolescent years. (The 20's in America 762 - 764) It was during these years Babe Ruth learned to love the game of baseball. (The 20's in America 762 - 764) Ruth continued to play baseball until the mid 1930's. (The 20's in America 762 - 764) He was an outstanding player. As a sports writer stated Ruth single handedly brought baseball back into public favor. (A Cultural History of The United States 89 - 90) That all came to a tragic end on August 16, 1998 when Babe Ruth passed away because of a cancerous growth on the left side of his face. (American Decades 277 - 247) He left behind legacies and great memories of what he did for the game of baseball. Ruth received his nickname "babe" when he was playing with the Orioles.(Biographical Dictionary of American Sports 1336 - 1338) Some people called him the sultan of swat (The Roaring Twenties 64) and others called him the great bambino. (The 20's in America 762 - 764) Ruth was fun-loving, with a bear like much loved figure. (American Decades 277 - 247) He was legendary for his public rowdiness and his eating, drinking, and womanizing. (American Decades 277 - 247) He created a new way of playing baseball and made baseball players stars through his unique ability to hit long distances, as well as his longer than life personality. (A Cultural History of The United States 89 - 90) Ruth had an amazing charismatic personality and he was very humorous. (The 20's in America 762 - 764) The great writers recorded the great athletes, one early beneficiary was the giant of the giants, Babe Ruth. (The Jazz Age The 20's 94) Babe Ruth stood out as the person who made baseball the national pass time of the …show more content…
He has done quite a few things. For instance he was involved in numerous conflicts witch led him to suspension from play and hefty fines. (The 20's in America 762 - 764) One time Babe got into this fist fight with a player named Cobbs because Cobbs was jealous of Ruth as Cobb said, " I knew Ruth couldn’t hit with me." (American Decades 277 - 247) Now even though Babe got in to trouble here and there doesn’t mean he wasn’t a great influence or a terrible player, it just means he's human. We all make mistakes, but at the end of the day we learn from them and continue on with our life. Never the less, this man was an amazing player who came from a rough neighborhood and showed the world you can make something out of nothing. George Herman " Babe" Ruth is the best baseball player of all time. Even though he has passed he continues to amaze people as they read his biographies or they look at all the records he had