. The book I have decided to read is Dale Brown’s “Lost Civilizations Aztecs: Reign of blood & Splendor”. Dale’s book Aztecs; Reign of Blood and Splendor takes place in many different time periods because the book takes place from ancient Aztec civilizations through modern times or twentieth century. Like during the BC period and twentieth century. Also, Dale’s book is a nonfiction about ancient Aztec civilizations. The book begins with Hernan Cortes taking over the Aztecs civilization and controlling their lives. However, the book ends, with describing the daily lives of the Ancient Aztec culture. “The Aztecs farmed lived in mud brick. For a living both Aztec men and women farmed fields, wove cloth, hauled stones, dug canals, fired pots, shaped canoes, polished obsidian, hammered copper tools and created objects of commanding beauty” (Aztecs reign of blood and splendor 149). Lastly, I believe Dale Brown’s Aztecs: Reign of blood and splendor is a very interesting book because reading Dale Brown’s book has taught me about three significant time periods like the Early Postclassic: AD 900-1250, the Late Postclassic: AD 1250-1521 and the Early Colonial period: AD1521. To begin with, reading Brown’s Lost Civilizations Aztecs: Reign of blood & Splendor was very interesting because I learned about a significant event like the Early Postclassic: AD 900-1250 period. …show more content…
I believe the early Postclassic period was significant because in AD 986 the Aztecs carved a round calendar stone called the Road Map to The End of The World. The calendar stone predicted when the world will end and “the stone symbolized the destruction of the four previous worlds by Jaguars, hurricanes, volcanic fires and torrential rains” (Aztecs reign of blood & splendor 11). I believe the Early Postclassic AD is also a significant event because “In AD 1100 the Aztecs migration began they left their ancestral homeland Aztlan or present Mexico City for Tenochtitlan” (Aztecs reign of blood & splendor 48). So, in my opinion, I believe Dale Brown’s book was interesting because it has taught me about the Early Postclassic period in AD 900-1250. I have learned that the Aztecs carved a calendar that will predict the end of the world and the Aztecs migrated to Tenochtitlan. Moreover, Dale Brown’s Aztecs reign of Blood & Splendor was interesting to read because I learned about the Late Postclassic period of AD 1250-1521. The Late Postclassic period was significant because “the Aztecs settled at Tenochtitlan in AD 1325 and gave thanks to their guardian deity by creating a shrine from reeds, straw, and grass” (Aztecs reign of blood & splendor 110). The settlement in Tenochtitlan was also very big because “there was a wall for worshippers, 78 temples and shrines and the Great temple rose in a pyramid about 135 feet high” (Aztecs reign of blood and splendor 110). Next, the Late Postclassic period is significant because in 1519 Hernan Cortes took over the Aztecs. “Cortes imprisoned the Aztec ruler, Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin” (Aztecs reign of blood & splendor 14) Then “Cortes took control of the lives and fortunes of 11 million Aztecs and their subject people” (Aztecs reign of blood & splendor 15). Lastly, Dale Brown’s book is interesting because from reading his book I have learned about the Late Postclassical period. I’ve learned that in AD 1325 the Aztecs made a large settlement in Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs built many shrines and temples to thank their gods and huge pyramid. I have also learned that Hernan Cortes took over the Aztecs in 1519 and their city fell. Furthermore, Dale Brown’s book was interesting because reading Aztecs reign of blood & splendor has taught about the Early Colonial period of AD 1521. I believe the Early Colonial period of AD 1521 was significant because both the Indians and Spaniards fought against each other. According to, Aztecs reign of blood & splendor “Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo witnessed Aztecs that captured Spaniards during the Climatic battle between Indians and the Spaniards for control of the city during the spring of 1521. Diaz saw that his comrades were captured by the Aztecs and dragged to the top of the temple to be sacrificed. After being sacrificed their