Attitudes Revealed In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet essay Everyone displays their love differently.In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet , the main characters Romeo’s and Juliet’s love for each other evoloves at a momentous rate. Only hours after Romeo and Juliet meet in Act 1, Romeo forgets about Rosaline, the young woman that Romeo was overly obsessed with until she refuses to marry him. After the refusal of Rosaline, Romeo finds out that Juliet, a Capulet he meets at the party, is his true love. Juliet has no experience with love at all , but she claims that Romeo is the one she sincerely loves. As Romeo’s and Juliet’s love affair develops,their differing characteristics and attitudes display their individual approaches towards love. Romeo’s love for Juliet demonstrates …show more content…
Juliet says “Thy purpose marriage send me word tomorrow” (2.2.144). Juliet rushes into marriage plans not thinking if it could be a bad idea. She had no means to be loved by anybody in the beginning, and never was in a relationship in her life. Juliet now claims that Romeo is the one who she wants to spend her life with, even though they only meet a few hours before her marriage statement. Juliet also shows courage by put her love and trust into a Montague. Juliet demonstrates courage by loving Romeo. Juliet tells romeo “And all my fortunes at thy foot I’ll lay And follow thee my lord throughout the world” (2.2.147-148). Juliet is explaining to Romeo that she entrusts him with her life. Even though trusting a Montague could critically impact Juliet , the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues doesn’t discourage her. In conclusion Romeo and Juliet see one another and completely fall in love with each other. Romeo and Juliet both urge to be together with each other. This want that

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Romeo and Juliet have for each other makes them express different characteristics. These characteristics for Romeo and Juliet makes them approach love in different ways. People have different attitudes towards a loving relationship, but attachment with another person or being in the presence with the other partner is true

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