You will need to produce an information booklet for new parents. Within this book you will need to explain the settling in procedure of the setting and attachment theories. You will need to explain in detail the reasons behind your settling in process, and why it is important for the children. You will need to consider the following Attachment Theorists in your booklet: • John Bowlby • Mary Ainsworth • Main and Solomon…
Bowlby (1951) saw attachment behaviour as an instinctive reaction. The infant will use social releasers, such as crying and smiling to seek proximity to the primary caregiver, to ensure survival in evolutionary times. The infant will use social releasers when proximity to the caregiver is threatened, such as by separation, insecurity or fear. Social releasers will stimulate caregiving in adults, so that care and responsiveness become determinant for attachment. A securely attached child will regulate its emotions well, and the secure attachment will act as a safe base for the child to explore the world from.…
Dawn’s behavior from an attachment point of view According to Ainsworth (1967, p. 429), an attachment is more than overt behavior, it is internal, "being built into the nervous system…” and Bowlby conceptualized attachment as a biologically based repertoire of organized behaviors (eg, infants’ crying, smiling, clinging and proximity seeking). The unfamiliar environments for Dawn having to share her mother with the new baby have left her alone, directing her to certain behaviors toward the parents to gain attention, protection and feeling of safety. Dawn has presenting unwanted behaviors to master the new environment. The parents are unavailable and the harsh rejection is associated with the child’s insecurity and attachment difficulties.…
ESSAY 1: What Would You Do For A Crying Baby? Ng Xin-Ru, Victoria 1403271H Crying suggests a physiological maturational development, which requires adjustment and adaptation. Crying is not a signal for help or relief, as it does not require intervention (Thomson & Leeds, 2014). Infants communicate their needs to their caregiver through crying (Soltis, 2004), thus, being able to evaluate the infant’s cries is an important skill for caregivers to develop.…
The topic of interest that was investigated by researchers in this study was whether or not romantic mental representations of their attachment orientation alter individuals’ memories of incidents in their relationship. Adult attachment orientations in this research are examined mainly on two dimensions: attachment avoidance and anxiety. Researchers constructed their hypothesis based on the attachment theory which states an individual’s attachment system shapes their thoughts and behavior when distressed. The researchers hypothesized that individuals with avoidant attachment orientations would recall being less supportive and more emotionally distant than they were, when asked how they acted in a previous conflicting event. Furthermore, they hypothesized that individuals with anxiety attachment would recall being more supportive and less emotionally distant when asked about a past incident.…
Psychological theories focus on the instinctive and psychological qualities of those who abuse. It is abnormalities that the individual abuser is responsible for abuse, for example, abusive parents may themselves have been abuse in childhood (Corby 2000). Attachment theory comes from the work of Bowlby (1951) who carried out research into the nature and effects of maternal lack on young children. He theorized that any significant separation of a child from the mother in the first five years of life could lead to a variety of psychological and social difficulties in later life since proper bonding and attachment to the mother was crucial if a child was to benefit from physical protection and psychological security. Until the mid 1980s, attachment…
Child of Rage The individual that a child grows up to become is affected by the role of a caregiver in his or her life. The video AS Psychology Attachment Part 1 talked about the sensitive period, just a few days after birth, in an infant’s life and how crucial it is for a child to attach and bond with their caregivers (2010). In order for a child to attach to another person and form those emotional ties and that shared bond his or her needs need to be met and the infant needs to feel a sense of love and compassion from the caregiver. Every relationship that the child creates or chooses not to create is going to be based upon the relationship that the child created or did not create with his or her caregivers.…
Biophysical When babies are born the weight a little more than 7 pounds ( Ashford & Lecroy, 2010, p.246). Raziel was born completely healthy, with no problems, weighing about eight pounds. Raziel had no problems during birth according to his mother. By my observations, Raziel has been developing well, for his age. His brain development and physical growth show that Raziel is heading on the right path, his mother said that she is blessed that he came out healthy because she was sometimes nervous that something might be wrong.…
1.1 Summarise theories of attachment The term attachment is widely used by psychologists studying children’s early relationships. An attachment can be thought of as a unique emotional tie between a child and another person usually an adult or a special toy or blanket. Research has repeatedly shown that the quality of these ties or attachments will shape a child’s ability to form other relationships later in life. Attachment theories have shaped practice in day-to-day child care and education but also social care practice.…
Throughout this essay I will be discussing the significance of attachment theory for social work practitioners and how they can implement this to develop emotional functioning with younger children. In addition I will examine how the theory has changed and progressed since John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth first “attempts to examine the psychological effects of early relationships” ( Goldberg,2000, pg3) to more contemporary approach such as Michael Rutter’s book on “Maternal Deprivation reassessed” critiquing Bowlby and the development in neuroscience. Attachment theory can be defined as a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings” (Bowlby 1969, p. 194). John Bowlby, “a British psychoanalyst’ work attempted to understand the…
This is a summary of the article “Attachment Theory and Mindfulness” by Rose Snyder, Shauna Shapiro, and David Treleaven in the Journal of Child and Family Studies. In the article, Snyder et al. (2012) begins by providing a brief introduction on two fundamental psychology areas: attachment theory and mindfulness. The authors detail on the significance of early parent-infant relationship on children’s development.…
Within social work practice various capabilities need to be demonstrated. According to the Professional Capabilities Framework (BASW, 2012), social workers must have the capacity to “use judgement and authority to individuals and families to promote independence and provide support” (PCF 7: Intervention and Skills), and within the Knowledge and Skills Statement, it is vital for social workers “to promote optimal child development and be alert to signs that may indicate otherwise”. An intervention’s success therefore relies on having the knowledge, skills and methods to do so. I will discuss these three important competences in relation to a particular intervention, and how such contributed to, and informed my practice. Child development theories…
Attachment The Attachment Theory maintains that the bond between an infant and his or her primary caregiver greatly influences personality, cognitive ability, and relationships throughout life. Psychologist Mary Ainsworth studied attachment patterns through an experiment known as the Strange Situation in which a mother left a child in a room for short period of time either alone or with a stranger; the child’s behavior was assessed when the mother left and when she returned. Three different patterns were observed. They are secure attachment, avoidant attachment, and ambivalent attachment.…
After exploring and paralleling the ideas of four theorists, sundry similarities begin to emerge and create an intertwined picture of childhood. Each of the philosophers, imparting their perception of child development with the hope of providing a blueprint of children’s emotional, cognitive, physical and social growth. Launching into the first stage (birth to 1 year), Erickson, Piaget, and Freud collectively suggest oral stimulation as a way for the budding child to connect with the world. Remembering, Infants coming into this world as hopeless mammals that depend on loving adults to care for them. “Attachments are theorized to serve an evolutionary purpose because they increase the likelihood that the caregivers will protect and care for…
In the experimental situation, securely attached babies freely explored the environment, using their mothers as a ‘secure base’. Also, they were less angry and co-operative, and they responded positively to being held by strangers (Ainsworth, 1979). Insecurely attached babies were further categorized into three sub-groups; insecure avoidant babies, insecure resistant babies, and insecure disorganized babies (Santrock, 2012). According to Ainsworth (1979), those babies were more angry and anxious than securely attached babies, as they shown refusal of being held by strangers, and avoided contact with their mothers.…