Based on the novel written by Ian McEwan “Atonement”, directed by Joe Wright has four distinctly different parts. Part one is set on one glorious summer’s day in 1935. Parts Two and Three are set in overlapping times in 1940 during the war, first in France and then in London. The Coda is set in 1999 in a London television studio. However, within each of these parts is a much more complex treatment of time; a narrative structure that underlies the film’s important themes of differing perspectives on events, and the damaging and redeeming effects …show more content…
A jump cut takes the audience to 1940, France. This abrupt shift in time and place is intended to dramatise the abrupt change in Robbie’s circumstance. The audience recognises that the events are now being told from Robbie’s point of view. The clean, well groomed Robbie shown in part one is now shown muddy and un-kept with a severe open chest wound. The audience recognises that this is now the face of the man who has suffered not only from the harsh realities of war but has also lost out on all the opportunities that once lay in front of him before he was imprisoned. Throughout part two, series of flashbacks are used from Robbie’s point of view to fill in gaps in Robbie and Cecilia’s story. In the first flashback, Cecilia gives Robbie a photograph of a cottage. This cottage becomes symbolic of Robbie’s hope to return home and return to Cecilia. In Dunkirk in which there were evacuations back to England, Robbie lights a match which reveals a close up shot of the image of the cottage given to him by Cecilia, along with a bundle of letters from her. There is then a close up shot of the light from the match flickering on Robbie’s face which gradually goes out. The last flashback within part two, occurs at this point and is in the form of a montage from his past. The audience witnesses Robbie’s attempts to undo what has happened and return to the very meaning behind his love for Cecilia. He …show more content…
The key ideas such as the destructive and creative power of the imagination presented through the film are universal ideas that are felt by people regardless of age as demonstrated through the character of Briony. Because of this the ideas in this film remain prominent in society and therefore the film Atonement shall remain