Athletes Are Not Worth The Cost Of Sacrifice Essay

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Most sports movies have similar story lines: an athlete faces some challenge, they sacrifice and work harder, and they come out better from it. These stories are ones of victory and success, the moral being that the sacrifices are always worth it in the end. But is this always true? Are all of the injuries, sleep deprivation, and lack of time for healthy relationships worth it later on in life? Competitive sports cause a lot of strain on long term athletes physically and mentally. Though they can be exhilarating and rewarding, in the long run, sports are not worth the sacrifices required because of the lack of time for new experiences and the impact they can leave on one’s body.
Carrying on, playing a sport competitively as a teenager consumes a majority of the athlete’s time. Before things get so uptight and serious in adult life, it is critical to try new things, spend time
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Playing sports, however, absorb all possible time that the athlete has for these crucial moments in their life. Though some sports are seasonal, others, like soccer, are year round and practically never ending. Practices, games and team bondings are activities that take up much of an athlete’s life outside of school, not including the time needed to work on recruitment if they wish to play at the collegiate level. Dedicated athletes sacrifice their time for schoolwork, family, social relations or even sleep to ensure that they make it to these events. If they are successful in school and their sport, they are likely without an adequate amount of sleep. If they are getting enough sleep, another area of their

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