Have you ever thought of how it feels to lose your precious child to drug addiction? My neighbor Emily recently lost her teenage daughter Audrey who was a drug addict. Audrey was only 15 years old when she passed away. No one knew she was a drug addict, including her mother, until the autopsy reported the cause of her death. Audrey was using over the counter drug to get high mostly at night when her mother was sleeping. Audrey’s mother said “I thought my daughter was living a perfect life, but I really didn’t know my own daughter. I wish I could have been there to save her.” In today’s society, drug abuse has been a controversial issue that affects teenagers. Parents should …show more content…
Sings of drug abuse in teenagers can easily be identity at home and school. The article “A Prescription for Danger: Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens” reports “Parents can look for include drops in their children’s grades at school, sudden behavior changes or shifts in the kinds of friends they hang out with” (A Prescription for Danger). The use and abuse of drugs are serious issues that parents should not ignore because it can lead to serious health conditions and even death. The article “RADARS: Teen prescription drug use and abuse update” also confirms that “The most common means of acquisition of these medications is securing them from friends, or family members” (RADARS: Teen prescription). Teenagers are using drugs from their own houses and or wherever that seems easy for them obtain them. . Moreover, the article also insists that if parents furthers on their educational knowledge on teenagers drug abuse, it will help them recognize warning signs of the drugs that are misused or even prescriptions in their homes. For this reason, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of drug abuse early. The article assert that internet is another sign that parents should be aware of. Teenagers use the internet to order pills from those sellers because prescriptions are not required or even the reason of buying the drugs. In addition, Parents should also observe their children because it is important to know whether or not their teenagers are consuming the drug because they are sick or not. If the drug sings are identify by parents, they will make a big difference in their children lives or even save a