The Pros And Cons Of Interracial Relationships

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What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you think of the idea of interracial couples? That it is wrong or shouldn’t be allowed? Maybe you have never really thought about it and don’t have a viewpoint on the matter. Walking through the streets you see it all around you, and it has even started to make its way into movies and television shows. Some people are okay with it and others find it repulsive. What’s the cause for such a difference in viewpoints? While my people, some of which are racist or still living in a different time era, argue that races should never mix because it isn’t healthy for humans, we should rather look at it with the viewpoint of how it could help the world in the long run.
To fully be able to understand this issue, you first need to know what it means to be in an interracial relationship. According to Webster Dictionary interracial mean involving people of different races and relationship means an emotional attachment between individuals. With that being said, why does the society today only think of black and white couples as being interracial?
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In 1980 there was about 167,000 interracial relationships in the U.S., which is a big change compared to the 558,000 that were found in 2010 (Newport). This is just another statistic showing how much the views of relationships is changing. Americans that are over the age of 65 are still less likely to approve of interracial relationships (Newport). This fact is very understandable to me though. These people grew up in a different time, when interracial relationships were frowned upon, and even illegal in certain parts of the United States. The younger generation is now growing up in a time when this isn’t considered a bad thing anymore. Many young adults are more likely to agree that it is okay to have mixed relationships and that “mixed marriages are a change for the better of society” (The Associated

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