Race: Positive Or Negative Effects On People

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Introduction The idea of race can have either a positive or negative effect on peoples’ lives. For some people, race creates an advantage or privilege, and for others a disadvantage. Even though, there is no biological evidence that race existents, it is still a big issue in the world. Race is sometimes used as an attempt to explain the differences in people, or as a reason to why people deserve to be treated a certain way. On the website understandingrace.com there are different videos and articles on the concept of race and how it effects people. Also, there is a documentary called Dark Girls that discuss self-hate in many African American women, and the division of light and dark skin. Both of these resources should create awareness of the false idea of race, and the negative effects it has caused.

The History of Race The concept of race is a social construct used to divide people by skin color, and as a symbol for biological and social hierarchy. There is no real difference in the genetic makeup of people in relations to skin color. Skin color is actually based on where someone ancestors are from geographically.
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As a dark skin female, it really hurt to hear some of the experiences that other dark skin female went through. Some of the experiences of those women, I cannot imagine going through. When I heard things such as natural hair looks unclean, dark skin looks like dirt, not wanting to have a child with a dark skin man to avoid dark skin children, and light skins means you are more beautiful, acceptable and loveable was hurtful to hear. I just do not understand how black people cannot see how special and beautiful we are no matter the skin tone. The idea that light is better does stem from slavery. Black people believed this, and passed it on to generations. It is black peoples responsibility to get rid of this horrible thinking, and instill self-confidence in all

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