Our origins serve as point A in our journey. In the novel, the main characters- both James McBride and his mother, Ruth McBride Jordan- strained in their relationship with their beginnings. Ruth was constantly running from her childhood upbringings as a Jewish immigrant, with a sexually abusive father and a crippled mother. She understandably feared her past, evading any questions from her children. Her ambiguous nature on this topic affected her kids, specifically James McBride. With …show more content…
Ruth fought against this, creating a judgment that skin color does not matter- what does is faith and education. Her son eventually came to the same conclusion after having more experience later on in his life. The questions that race brings up can be ignored, but they shouldn’t. I believe that the only way they are uncomfortable is in the fact that racism exists. There needs to be a distinct recognition of the issues with the way society handles race, and the more people who are aware and pro-active, the