This could not be farther from the truth because of how earnestly gangs take their bond and structure and the repercussions a member can face when trying to separate themselves from such an organization. Members of gangs who are in prison and function within a gang system are held highly accountable for their actions because they are in contact with other members every single day. To be held accountable like this makes any move to leave a gang extremely difficult. If any member in a gang ,such as the Vice Lords, is found guilty of committing a violation against what law they have set in place, they will be punished. Other members punish the violator out of what they consider to be love, much like how a parent punishes their child for misbehaving. These punishments, however, are much more severe than getting a slap on the wrist or rear and they include being beaten during the time it takes a matchbook to completely burn. This punishment leads to fear within members that will keep them inside a gang despite not wanting to be there. Outside of prison, to avoid punishment, members could move elsewhere and hide from their gang in large cities, but that does not mean they will not be searched …show more content…
However, it is difficult to completely separate oneself from such a well-bound community. This is why it is not easy to drive out and end gangs unlike what the media makes it appear to be. To truly end a gang, members must be helped to leave a gang and the gang must lose its support. The assistance that members and ex-members receive in order to rid themselves of their past connections includes tattoo removal, a support system, and a job. Removal of tattoos that were affiliated with the gang a person was involved with makes them feel as if their history with the group is erased and there is a true separation. These ex-members also do not know the ins and outs of supporting themselves outside a gang so assistance from people such as other ex-members or social workers helps them get on their feet. A job is truly what helps an ex-member since they can make money and provide for themselves and not have to turn towards gangs or gang behavior for resources like income. Force and oppression from society, government, and the police are not the proper ways to end gangs because they only end up strengthening their bonds and reinforcing the perception that regular society is an enemy. To break apart a gang or prevent a new one from forming, oppressed and impoverished environments must be changed in a positive way such as reducing corruption and providing more jobs