Florence Nightingale: Environmental Theory Introduction Learning what Environmental theory and how it was developed, I will give a background regarding the theorist. According to Barbara Dossey, the year 2010 marks 100 years since the death of Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) at age 90. Nightingale was the philosophical founder of modern nursing and the first recognized nurse theorist. She had a holistic and integrative perspective, as she focused on the individual and collective, the inner and outer, and human and nonhuman concerns. Nightingale delved into the most basic needs of human beings and all aspects of the environment.…
Nursing is a complex and vital profession that contributes to the health of people all over the world. Nursing has been around for centuries and greatly evolved and made a significant impact in the field of medicine. The Hawaii Board of Nursing describes this profession as knowledge of the human condition from young to old and how clients relate to others within the environment (Hawaii Board of Nursing, n.d.). While the practice of helping others is noble in thought, it can come with instances of injury or harm to the health provider or the health recipient.…
The Australian healthcare system has been defined through historical, political and socio-cultural factors that have shaped healthcare and healthcare access in contemporary Australian society. Without the historical influences of Florence Nightingale, nursing would not be in the place that it is today. Political influences have had major impacts, through funding, without this funding it would not allow for the improvement of treatments, medicines, and healthcare that is given, it has also allowed for more people to have more access to the healthcare system. Socio-cultural influences are still having effects on whom, and how people are receiving healthcare. Through all three influences, it has allowed it easier to seek and receive healthcare,…
Advanced Practice Nurses and the Fight for Expanded Roles The diversity of nursing practice proves that Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) have the capacity to promote broad access of health care at all levels. However, that same diversity in practice is the reason for the obstacles they are facing in obtaining their expanded role in today’s practice. With the challenges surrounding access to care, Advance Practice Nurses could be the answer to pressing matters involving cost, efficiency and availability of healthcare in the United States.…
Nursing is a profession, so being a student; I can learn to socialize in to professional practice. This learning will help me to develop myself to the professionalism of nursing. I will develop the characteristics of autonomous and accountable of my practice. Not only that, I will be committed to my work and profession. Being a member of a committee responsible for deciding which nursing research projects to provide fund for, I believe, who are the participants in the research have high priority.…
After viewing the 3 videos, I thought the Johnson and Johnson nursing recruitment video appropriately portrayed the nursing profession in a positive way. It targeted the professional audience and was a good recruitment tool. The save a life be a man nurse video was unbecoming and created a bad representation of men in the profession. It seemed demeaning to talk about the 1 to 10 ratio of men versus women, and repeatedly referring to how great the pay is. This did not seem like a constructive recruitment tool for the male population.…
First, a high school diploma is needed. An aspirant should complete high school studies with good grades. If the aspirant doesn’t have a diploma he/she is not going to be accepted in any nursing school because of this is a requirement. Second, enroll in entry-level training. Some good entry-level programs are courses like LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurse) or LVNs (Licensed Vocational Nurse).…
Her theory on patient safety and care stemmed from the unsanitary conditions in which she treated injured war victims. It was her belief that as a nurse we could change a patient’s prognosis and outcome by changing their external environment; thus improving their internal environment (Nursing Theory, 2013a). Nightingale…
Hungry for Change Why is it that law mandates public school meals have a minimum calorie intake, but not a maximum? This owes itself to the fact that when nutrition standards were established for public schools, it was to solve the problem of undernourishment. The majority of school aged children used to walk to school, played more outside, and were more active in sports. This resulted in children burning more calories than school meals provided.…
Nurses can influence public policy through an advocacy role. Advocacy includes the process of influencing someone to at least consider one’s point of view. Nurses observe the positives and negatives of the current health care system, which enable them to identify needs and concerns related to the care patients currently receive. The first step in the legislative process is the identification of an issue or a problem. The issue can be simple as a desire to give public recognition to a person or event or else an issue of a more complex nature.…
Many Americans are jobless, some are looking for a job while many of them are not. There are many people who rely on the government to get them the things they need. People should not be happy because they rely on the government for these things they should be sad or embarrassed that they can not get a job to get things in their life for themselves. There are many great jobs in America, there is a job for almost anyone who is willing to work and have a passion for the job they are doing. A great job to have is being a nurse.…
Particularly, a constantly evolving environment is significant in the workplace since it will be the factor allowing the nurse to expand their knowledge by providing them with modern technological advances. In addition, the colleague within the workplace environment is crucial in the success of a nurse. With supportive and positive minded colleagues, one will sense security in their environment. Having a delightful environment to practice nursing is a remedy for the nurse to have an enhanced attitude, which in essence, the nurse is able to provide exceptional quality care to the patient. As for the patients, an organized and trustworthy hospital environment will make them feel secure and satisfied with the care they received.…
Situations and Applications of the Theories The application of nursing theory serves an important role in furthering the nursing profession and its education, research, and practice. Books have been written on the application of nursing theory to education, research, and practice as the application of nursing theory abounds in various nursing situations. As a result, a focus on stem cell transplantation will serve to narrow the scope for this writing assignment.…
The Role of Nursing It is said that the nursing profession is one of the most respected and trusted careers there are. From the beginning, a nurse’s role was to nurture and mend those that are sick, frail and even through the process of end of life, but it doesn’t just stop there. Nursing has come a long way and entails many more aspects than they are even given credit for. A nurse wears many hats and is required to perform duties outside of healing obvious wounds.…
In my three years of being in health care, I have grown so much as a person, advocate, care giver, critical thinker and nurse. I started my journey as an LPN working on the medical floor as Saint Francis Medical center, I was employed there for 8 months and started RN school. I worked there throughout school and thought for sure I would leave after completing my RN. I decided to stay on the floor, where I am still currently employed because I like the variety of patients I take care of. Before starting nursing…