In order to be successful, certain key points to be considered when communicating with a policymaker. Make sure that communication is simple, concise and to the point. Don’t raise any question that you are not prepared to answer. Address the “5 W’s” that is who, what, where when and why? Whenever possible, work to build consensus. Sending an email to the policy maker is my preferred choice of communication. Because it is the easiest and fastest way to get in touch with a policymaker. A well-crafted letter or email is the most commonly used and effective way of communication with an elected officials. Their offices are set to receive, log and respond to constituent’s letter. While writing a letter, your letter should be clear, focused, and concise and should be limited to one page. Follow up any broad statement with substantial evidence to support them. The letter should be polite and should interestingly make your case. An effective letter will include your position and the name of your department. Clearly indicate the issue you are writing about and your position on the issue. Be clear about your issue and what you want the legislator to do about that. Be specific in your request (National Volunteer Fire Council, 2009). Coordinated e-mail campaigns are used as an advocacy tool by many interest groups and individual constituents. The main advantage of
In order to be successful, certain key points to be considered when communicating with a policymaker. Make sure that communication is simple, concise and to the point. Don’t raise any question that you are not prepared to answer. Address the “5 W’s” that is who, what, where when and why? Whenever possible, work to build consensus. Sending an email to the policy maker is my preferred choice of communication. Because it is the easiest and fastest way to get in touch with a policymaker. A well-crafted letter or email is the most commonly used and effective way of communication with an elected officials. Their offices are set to receive, log and respond to constituent’s letter. While writing a letter, your letter should be clear, focused, and concise and should be limited to one page. Follow up any broad statement with substantial evidence to support them. The letter should be polite and should interestingly make your case. An effective letter will include your position and the name of your department. Clearly indicate the issue you are writing about and your position on the issue. Be clear about your issue and what you want the legislator to do about that. Be specific in your request (National Volunteer Fire Council, 2009). Coordinated e-mail campaigns are used as an advocacy tool by many interest groups and individual constituents. The main advantage of