A. CW4 Podesta was dismissed from Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education (WOILE) Class 15-016, due to personal conduct. CW4 Podesta was flagged 16 September 2015, pending Law Enforcement Investigation. B. CW4 Podesta performed duties as the WOILE Class 15-16 S4. He completed all assigned tasks, duties and reasonability as a contributing member of the class until upon removal from WOILE Class 15-016 on 15 September 2015 due to a Law Enforcement Investigation.…
Congress: A Broken Government Throughout history, scholars, politicians, and the general public have been divided into two separate categories: those who agree that Congress is not a broken government and those who disagree with the former and argue that Congress is a broken government. While many factors point toward either argument, the most prominent answer is that Congress is, indeed, broken. The design of Congress, the founder’s intentions for Congress, and the Washington Establishment are among some of the many reasons that reveal plainly the brokenness of the government and allow others to see the dysfunction of Congress as well. Congress is designed to be made up of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate.…
Congressional gridlock occurs when the president and Congress fail to pass laws that solve the people’s most controversial issues. A major cause of this is division amongst political parties. Polarized politics also further complicate the process of coming to an agreement on the tough issues. Gridlock would decrease if the parties focused more on resolving these issues instead of opposing each other. A united government means that legislation can be agreed on to pass laws that will address some of our nation’s major issues.…
Felons in Congress As we know, many people in congress have been convicted for at least one felony. Why is it that these felonies do not stop them from being able to serve in congress? (Caune) Although people make mistakes and they can become a better person, I believe that politicians who have formally been convicted of certain crimes should not be able to serve our country, because of their reputation and issues concerning trust.…
In the articles “Three Cheers for the Nanny State,” “Ban the Ban!,” and “Soda’s a Problem but…”, all three authors present their arguments with facts, opinions, and counterclaims. However, one article presents itself better than the rest. I believe that the article “Soda’s a Problem, but...” was the most convincing article. Sarah Conly- the author who wrote “Three Cheers for the Nanny State”- argues that the soda restriction is a good idea because people would be stopped from making foolish decisions that they’ll pretty definitely regret.…
Congressional gridlock can be described as an inability to pass a law or bill which results in a situation that cannot satisfy the people. This situation becomes a gridlock when the ratio between the number of bills passed to the agenda on the legislature decreases, thus resulting in a complete lockdown of the governments ability to create new laws. This problem is still happening today and may be very evident especially with the election that just occurred. The past eight years, Congress has done short of nothing ultimately resulting in “one of the least productive sessions on record (WashingtonPost)”. Could this least productive session be due to the fact that the Congressmen and other people holding office just didn’t know what they were…
A filibuster is where an effort of minority of lawmakers, delay or block the Senate from voting on a bill or a confirmation. The minority can indefinitely obstruct something that has majority support, to make use of the chamber’s rules for full debate on an issue, from the Senate Historical Office, the term traces back to a Dutch word meaning “pirate.” Of how the Filibuster works, The Senate generally operates by unanimous consent. If any senators refuse to consent to holding an up-or-down vote on Judge Grouch's nomination, the Senate has to decide whether to overrule them. It would do so by holding a “cloture” vote on whether to end debate and proceed to a final vote.…
Congress role is to protect the public from a world of devastation. Today’s Congress seeks to destroy women’s rights, LGBTQ, education, and the Iran Deal; therefore, it is not about improving America as much as it is about destroying everything a Black man has accomplished out of pure racism. Congress should focus on assisting the American people by creating green energy jobs, fixing health insurance, and providing funding for education. The democrats won big last week since Trumperism is dying out, and the indictments are rolling in. Now that the playing field is almost equal, congress and the President will be fighting just as wild wolves do.…
Many Canadians think that the Senate should be kept whereas some think that it should be abolished. In my opinion, the Senate should be abolished because it deducts money from hardworking Canadians for doing almost nothing. The money that is wasted on the Senate can be used for something more important. The people that work there could work somewhere else where they will have a more useful contribution, such as organizations related to health care and education. There are many negative affects that the Senate has on the Canadian government , which wouldn't be an issue if the Senate wasn't…
The role of the Federal Government is to set limits. Government efforts can best be effective in their management of the economy by being proactive through enacting fiscal policies (taxation, spending, and debt). Although, at the onset of the 2008 recession there were 16 units of the federal government in place that were supposed to manage economic life and keep us from harm but it happened anyway. As stated by economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller in their book Animal Spirit, “Without intervention by the government, the economy will suffer massive swings in employment. And financial markets will, from time to time, fall into chaos.”…
Hungry for Change Why is it that law mandates public school meals have a minimum calorie intake, but not a maximum? This owes itself to the fact that when nutrition standards were established for public schools, it was to solve the problem of undernourishment. The majority of school aged children used to walk to school, played more outside, and were more active in sports. This resulted in children burning more calories than school meals provided.…
Through the original properties of popular sovereignty and limited government, the United States formed the idea that the government draws its power from the people. The United States Government is a democracy, allowing its people to vote for things that the government might want to enforce so that the government isn't able to create any type of law that the people don't want. Limited government goes hand in hand with the property of popular sovereignty, ensuring that the government could only do what the people allowed it to, so that it does not have extreme power. According to a July 2015 survey of internet using households “19 million households reported that they had been affected by some type of an online security breach, identity theft, or type of malevolent activity 12 months prior to the survey†(Abbott,…
The government’s process may be handled as in the Constitution, but the rights stated in it are not followed; so do we really live under ”Constitutional Government”? Having a democracy means that not everyone is going to get what they want, but do the…
Argumentative Essay: Flaws of the Education System There are inherent flaws within the education system which we use today pushes students far beyond their limits and it lacks emphasis on practical skill. Schools create a needlessly high stress environment basing their future upon numbers and grades rather than teaching and refining their practical skills. Lots of potential is flushed out of the curriculum due to college and high schools insisting that students must be able to juggle advance courses, maintain high unweighted GPAs, and participate in extracurricular activities in order to succeed in the future; hence, repairing and recognizing the inherent flaws of the education system is crucial to ensure that students earn the future that…