Argumentative Essay Immigration

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“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” the Statue of Liberty states. America is a country that is known for its immense diversity and its tolerance to other’s cultures. However, as time passes this known fact is changing. The American government and its citizens are starting to be hostile to newcomers due to terrorist attacks, and the increase in local crime. Multitude of American citizens are under the impression that illegal immigrants are affecting their country in a negative manner; however, many recent studies and statistics show that immigration could benefit U.S. in …show more content…
economy, and that immigrants wastes taxpayers’ money for welfare entitlements; however, research and statistics contradict this belief. With a strong conviction that the children of the immigrants are smarter than their immigrant parents, NCR hypothesized that the children will have a fiscal impact of $76,000 (Griswold “Immigrants Help”). “This… [reduces] the net present value of the fiscal impact of a low-skilled immigrant and descendants to $13,000” (Griswold “Immigrants Help”). Consequently, allowing the illegal immigrants to stay will, overtime, surpass the fiscal impact of a “low-skilled immigrant”. Wise states that “even…. [the] immigrants [that stay] in New York [illegally] pay over one billion dollars annually [for tax]”(Wise 29). Considering this fact, one can draw conclusions that immigrants also pay for the services offered to the public. This can be a huge advantage for the American …show more content…
Illegal immigrants can help by “increasing the labor force [which] … boost[s] the returns to the capitol, stimulating the economy, which raises the productivity and the wages of all workers”(Griswold “There is No”). Millions of jobless immigrants flood to the U.S. for a chance for a better life. This can apply for illegal immigrants as well. An illegal immigrant’s labor is cheap and available in many states. Hence, their labor is considered an essential factor in many industrial companies, and many companies are dependent on their labor. To illustrate better, “illegal immigrants now comprise fully half of all farm laborers, up from 12% in 1990, according to recent Labor Dept. survey”(Brian et al. 51). “National Research Council did a research in 1997 that proved that immigration ultimately increases the wage of citizen workers by an overall as much as $10 billion “(Griswold “There is No..). Another reason, to keep illegal immigrants in our country. “It increases the rate of earning for each employee, this proves that immigration has a positive effect on does slightly reduce the wages of the lowest skilled Americans. The NRC found that immigration had no negative effect on the wages of black Americans as a group” (Griswold “There is No..).However,

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